Ready Player One New Spielberg.....curious
(too old to reply)
2018-02-26 03:43:10 UTC

2018-02-26 06:59:12 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
The "Ready Player One" book is seven years old, so VR warfare, surveillance drones and 'Second Life' avatar realms are already old hat. The protagonist even has to dress in a body suit for game motion sensing, which Kinect makes passé. It needed a more retro arcade production design for the VR scenes, as it's an uphill battle to make *grim* feel exciting. Beyond the "Willy Wonka" egg hunt, which makes someone a billionaire, will there be an original story inside? I usually see Spielberg's movies, so I'll guess I'll find out.
Post by kelpzoidzl
The hype is growing on "Annihilation."
Death of cinema, again, as "draws comparisons" = not very original. Cribbing from high-brow sci-fi is never enough. Reviews on this are so-so.
Post by kelpzoidzl
I refused to see "Mother!"
I saw it immediately and had the opposite reaction. Maybe the studio releasing it wide with lots of mystery box hype deflated it for me, because it felt more like a short subject stretched-out to be as raucous as possible.

Have you seen last year's, "A ghost story"? I missed it in the cinemas but found it on Blu-ray. It's a smaller movie which allows in some bigger concepts.

I also think you might like, "Coherence," which I saw in 2014 when it was briefly at the TIFF.


2018-02-27 03:38:28 UTC
I'll have to look up those films to see if I have seen them. They sound familiar.
2018-02-27 03:42:13 UTC
Coherence, yes I saw it. It was interesting and fairly well made considering it was more like a stage play. Pretty clever.

I'll look up Ghost Story.
2018-02-27 03:47:00 UTC
Probably watched it or at lest the beginning of it. (Ghost story) I see it is on Amazon Prime. Ill look at it now.
2018-02-28 02:15:40 UTC
I watched A Ghost Story last night. Kind of silly and lametentious but kept me interested. It vaguely reminded me of the Time Machine with the past and future. I like the pacing and some of the scenes were drawn out and clever. I liked the drawn out pie scene. I think the credits listed a Casey Affleck "double" --under the sheet?
2018-02-28 02:26:59 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Kind of silly and lametentious but kept me interested.
"A ghost story" borders on shoegazing, doesn't it?
Post by kelpzoidzl
I think the credits listed a Casey Affleck "double" --under the sheet?
That credit is there because Affleck acted under the sheet, with the art director doubling for him in those shots with the second-generation ghost. The Blu-ray has a good commentary and extras.

2018-03-01 01:43:51 UTC
Showgazing from the stage?

The Ghost barely moves from his spot. Very non-mobile. The other Ghost was also stuck. When the sheet first appeared I wondered who cut the eye holes out?
2018-03-01 02:03:07 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Showgazing from the stage?
Shoegazing; that indie rock with loud, distorted, ethereal vocals which lull concert-goers into, "gazing at their shoes."
Post by kelpzoidzl
The Ghost barely moves from his spot. Very non-mobile. The other Ghost was also stuck.
Any sight of Affleck's feet under the sheet was digitally erased, so keeping the ghost mostly still was also a VFX budget saver.

2018-03-01 03:56:37 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
When the sheet first appeared I wondered who cut the eye holes out?
Write-up about the ghost costume, which was more than just a sheet:


2018-03-11 08:09:28 UTC
Post by s***@hotmail.com
The protagonist even has to dress in a body suit for game motion sensing, which Kinect makes passé.
From the latest trailer I've seen for "Ready Player One", I gather that the protagonist gamer's body suit is not just for motion-detection, but for other VR players to "touch" him via sensory feedback. If I was a gamer trying to liberate the world from tyranny, I wouldn't need or want distracting/invasive sensory feedback from other players, or the VR arena itself.

Unless he's in that arena/world for recreation, sports or sex; which he'd already find in a world of industrial decay much more easily and inexpensively than his "state-of-the-art" body suit.


2018-03-11 19:50:50 UTC
Second Life has birthed a number of other virtual world efforts.

The founder of Second Life, after leaving LInden Labs started "High Fidelity" and Linden Labs has been working on "Sansar" i have only dabbled in each, both are still primitive, without any headset.

Here is a new Philip Rosedale chat that delves into it. Both VR and AR.

Both HF and Sansar are trying to build a VR compatible Second Life that can be viewed on computers or mobile devices. They also want to be able to include Hapto technology as it develops.
2018-03-11 20:02:02 UTC
"Blunty" a photography, game, tech reviewer with a youtube channel, finds himself in "VR Chat" in an awkward situation with a girl imitating a child and acting seductive.

2018-03-11 20:17:32 UTC
Policing VR worlds is going to be a major issue, but it all seems pretty hopeless and lowest common denominator.
2018-03-11 20:36:27 UTC
Apparently Ready Player One it Premieres at SXSW tonight

2018-03-13 21:37:49 UTC
Also apparently the Premiere was seriously glitched, completely crashing repeatedly and Speilberg remarked it was the most anxiety ridden moments in his life. The audience did give it a standing ovation.

The more I ponder Spielberg the more I believe my theory that everyone else was wrong about hiw Kubrick would have done the ending, including and especially Spielberg.

My Kubrickintuition, which is for whatever reason, always dogs me, tells me, that when wrestling with AI, he thought Spielberg would have given it a happy ending, where Pinocchio would become a real boy. And now ironic, that Spielberg's ending was so bleak. The more others disagree with this the more I am sure. He wanted Spielberg because he was afraid of his own bleak ideation about the future.

I find it interesting that Elon Musk has warned that "AI is more dangerous then the Nuclear threat."

On another note, I watched the new and final, Season 5 of "Bates Motel." yesterday. Very excellent and appropriate. Really fleshed out an end of the story, far better then the Psycho sequels. I think Hitchcock would have loved it.
2018-03-29 01:36:10 UTC
Article on VR cinema, (Spielberg included) investors etc.

2018-03-29 01:38:24 UTC
Article today about new VR Cinemas and investirs including Spielberg

2018-03-29 10:00:38 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Also apparently the Premiere was seriously glitched, completely crashing repeatedly and Speilberg remarked it was the most anxiety ridden moments in his life. The audience did give it a standing ovation.
Attempted to see "Ready Player One" last night, but it turned into Cineplex auditorium gang warfare once I noticed that the movie cut from Spielberg/Kaminski cinematography and into an 8&½-minute dark/occult [*CIA/MKUltra*] sequence when the gamers pick a TS VHS with "Room 237" cover art and go TERRIBLY WRONG from there...followed-by a steely-lit James Cameron sequence and then back again to the Spielberg/Kaminski look.

In any case, the government perps dressed as ushers and security guards were hell-bent that I not stay to the end of RP1 in 65mm, which likely indicated that print had no credits (or different credits via DCP from the booth's adjacent digital projector).

If interested, I've posted the audio of Spielberg's RP1 'homage,' along with brief video of the 65mm projection at 55 Bloor West and the Wikipedia page for the "Ready Player One" novel—which has no mention of TS or Kubrick (the gamers do visit a theatre in virtual reality called, "The Overlook").




GoDaddy mirror:
2018-03-30 16:50:16 UTC
I'll have to watch those links on real computer later. Ipad probably won't do it.

So expand on these mkuktra ushers...and the war in the cinema.
2018-03-30 16:58:53 UTC
I didn't realize it opened yesterday.

Dare I escape for a midnight showing or is it just bad and privoking gang warfare?
2018-03-31 04:57:49 UTC
Another review....."dumb and shallow" "metrosexual"

2018-04-03 23:20:54 UTC
Attempted to see "Ready Player One" last night, but it turned into Cineplex auditorium gang warfare <snip>
Made it through a complete RP1 screening last night without having, "finally snuffed it."

video: https://bit.ly/2q27qWA

My AMK share folder: https://bit.ly/2uJeiOl


2018-04-04 19:40:48 UTC
Amazing. Now you have to explain.

You were removed in handcuffs? For filming?

The video is extraordinary. Are you saying that Kubrick homage is from Reafy Steady one?.
2018-04-04 20:04:00 UTC
I just listened to your previous media fire explanation. It did work on the Ipad.

Very interesting. I need to understand the ramifications. I had no idea it had a Kubrick "homage" in the film.

I saw some of the Vivian tweet posts you captured. ( she blocked me from her Twitter some time ago when I nicely tried to tell her Trump wasn't the evil ogre she had been saying, so I have no idea where she is at with this now)

Cia mkuktra israelis .....? Is Spielberg now being held in a mind control, chamber? :) what the hell?

That footage was amazing, but scary. Definately a mind fuck of some kind. It doesn't feel like Spielberg.

I saw news story the other day saying Spielberg said it's time for a female Indiana Jones....
2018-04-04 20:06:36 UTC
What is vivian saying about that segment??
2018-04-04 20:16:42 UTC
I need to hear more.

That imagery has a truly perverse look. What the hell?

When you were handcuffed, was that a regular screening of the movie? Did they see you filming it?

Were you charged with anything you have to appear on?

Wish I had tried the mediafire links when you first posted them.
2018-04-04 20:23:20 UTC
Was that scene indicative of the whole film?

Going to see it seems to have effected you. Maybe I'll hold off. It is a very unwholesome scene.
2018-04-04 20:31:19 UTC
"Just letting amk know what Hollywood is doing with Kubrick now"......chilling.
2018-04-04 20:44:58 UTC
Not to make you more paranoid, but did you see this alex jones video? Watch to the end.

2018-04-04 20:47:36 UTC
You should let Drudge know about your theater exp and the link. He's huge huge huge Kubrick fan.
2018-04-05 07:42:08 UTC
Or better yet, write a review of the film and the experience including Kubrick and pov with the segment video put it on a website and send it to Drudge in his "tip" section he might post it. That would be radical and very cool.
2018-04-08 22:09:54 UTC
Post by s***@hotmail.com
Made it through a complete RP1 screening last night without having, "finally snuffed it."
Today, two failed attempts to get, "Did Einstein Spielberg?" on YouTube without it being blocked by CIA/Google and Warner Bros.; minutes before the video was even published (via illegal American monitoring of my PC and Internet to steal my life away).

Google/YouTube and their CIA/Israeli conspirators now guilty of my attempted assassination.

SPKOUT: https://www.bitchute.com/video/qDvPo3kvlBJm/


2018-04-09 18:00:09 UTC
Thanks for those links and the yt channel. I will let it play on my 4k Tv and see the drama.

Are you working up a dossier? :)
2018-04-09 18:04:25 UTC
Humor most important.

People have buttholes, so don't expect too much..
2018-04-09 18:14:32 UTC
Something tells me you could redirect this energy into some serious filmmaking, for arts sake.
2018-04-09 19:42:14 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Thanks for those links and the yt channel. I will let it play on my 4k Tv and see the drama.
Are you working up a dossier? :)
Everything in my Op Cat post-op dossier was rendered null and void when the RCMP illegally entered unit 506 of 105 Isabella in my absence to copy it for you on 2018/04/08, "Scott Parsons."

I doubt David Sinclair Cole is in a position to continue posting to AMK but, since you are legally invincible, I'm sure you and other jews/Israelis will continue to hack his account (trying to squeeze more information out of me...the few DRIPS which I allow).

Enjoy that one-way flight to Israel; fake Canadian and un-flushable turd.

2018-04-10 02:05:07 UTC
You aren't suggesting I am Jewish or part of your plight are you? My dad named me "David," so he said, "to help me compete in a Jewish world." During my ages 7-11, we lived in NYC, he was working as Marketing VP for Seagrams, under old man Bronfman. When Bronfman's son was promoted over my dad, my dad resigned angry and we returned to CA. Now that guys son owns much of the Studio system in Hollyweird.

Sorry if you feel I squeezed info out of you. I had no idea about your situation. Had I known anything about your current situation I would have asked you to communicate privately. You have been a solid rock and caretaker on AMK and very knowledgable on the subjects that come up. Frankly I usually wonder that you might think I am kooky when I've played with conspiracies, although I usually make it clear i see things humorously. I've had zero idea what you've been going through. AMK isn't a very "public place" simply because there are few readers.

I spent a few hours watching your yt videos then fell asleep in my chair and woke up to tend to change my mothers bed.

My immediate reaction is, you sound like you need to reinvent yourself. Get out of that environment and focus on your creative projects. Are Canadians able to move to the US and keep their Canadian benefits? Maybe you need to move to Hawaii and sit on the shore and watch the waves and relax, get out of the manic feeling. You are very intelligent and should be able to get out of this cyclical bummer. The Big Island North Shore small towns are still cheap enough. Of course they have bad drug users in Hawaii but sometimes it's best to not notice the sleaze and stupidity around you. Have you always been in Canada and a city person?

You probably know I worked in psych wards for many years. I've seen and heard it all. Your videos would be funny as a reality show, or even as a paranoid comedy. Maybe you can steal the idea from yourself and think up a script that laughs at it. Kubrick was always a comic underneath it all. Maybe that helped him stay at a distance from the atrocities of real life so he could enjoy laughing. As a Buddhist I would tell you to practice the daimoku of the Lotus Sutra and eradicate the karmic torture.

Ultimately. DO NOT DESPAIR!
2018-04-10 02:24:46 UTC
Rereading your last message to try to understand what you are saying. Why you mention "Scott Parsons" and my name...etc. i'm afraid you are really having a acute hard time. in one of your vids you mentioned your blood pressure. Clear your mind, go to the doctors. Get positive. Do it for Stanley.

I assure you I am me and am in a postion to post to AMK and I have never had any idea of your situation.of which you've never alluded to until recently.

There is one funny thing...you mentioned KMPG. I use to have a computer client in my computer business in Ojai back in the early 2000's, who had been a founding member of KMPG. I did his personnal computer support fir a few years. I remember KMPG had a big scandal. Don't remember the details. Haven't seen him in years.
2018-04-10 04:06:20 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Rereading your last message to try to understand what you are saying.
I'll clarify:

"Never forget," what I owe you. NOTHING.

Stephen V. O'Keefe
2018-04-10 04:22:04 UTC
Didn't think you owe me anything Steve. Don't know where that come from.
2018-04-10 05:37:00 UTC
That must be a movie quote, but IDK.
2018-04-10 07:59:43 UTC
Perplexed about what you're going through. Surprised I had no clue you were having these kinds of problems. Looked at your Twitter. Glad I had no idea. I see this,"2018/02/25 at 4:35pm and 2018/02/26 at 6:44am: American informants David Sinclair Cole and Don Stockbauer return to the alt.movies.kubrick newsgroup I've helped admin since 1999. Stanley Kubrick's daughter Vivian still heavily into Scientology (CIA front) in Clearwater, Florida."

"Informant?" Gads. Ideas of Reference. Please Steve, see that that is absurd. Don is just Don. The world has conspiracies but I'm not part of them,

"Ideas of Reference" would a good name for a film.
Don Stockbauer
2018-04-12 02:34:32 UTC
I have not been following this thread at all , when I looked at it today and read the last post I was kind of surprised. About the only way I’m in American informant is I like to inform people about different kind of things kind of like a teacher. I’ve always considered these threads to be too deep into movie details for me , basically that means I couldn’t follow them. So anyway I’m just an ordinary guy here trying to post. I’ve been wild in the past but I’ve made it a point to calm down. one odd thing is I have very little to do with Twitter but a year or two ago I found out that Vivian had blocked me from her account so I turned around and blocked her , I kind of figured she might’ve read one of my sarcastic comments she didn’t like it.
2018-04-12 04:43:14 UTC
Post by Don Stockbauer
I have not been following this thread at all , when I looked at it today and read the last post I was kind of surprised. About the only way I’m in American informant is I like to inform people about different kind of things kind of like a teacher. I’ve always considered these threads to be too deep into movie details for me , basically that means I couldn’t follow them. So anyway I’m just an ordinary guy here trying to post. I’ve been wild in the past but I’ve made it a point to calm down. one odd thing is I have very little to do with Twitter but a year or two ago I found out that Vivian had blocked me from her account so I turned around and blocked her , I kind of figured she might’ve read one of my sarcastic comments she didn’t like it.
Hey, Vivian blocked me too.

It's not us; it's her.


I didn't block her, though. Seemed unnecessary.
2018-04-12 05:01:54 UTC
I have not been following this thread at all <> I’m just an ordinary guy here trying to post.
"Lie...lie, deny...deny; must be a spy," or "the Israeli paradox strikes again."

2018-04-12 05:11:02 UTC
Post by s***@hotmail.com
I have not been following this thread at all <> I’m just an ordinary guy here trying to post.
"Lie...lie, deny...deny; must be a spy," or "the Israeli paradox strikes again."
Steve, I can vouch for Don's ordinariness.
2018-04-12 05:35:03 UTC
Post by m***@yahoo.com
Post by s***@hotmail.com
"Lie...lie, deny...deny; must be a spy," or "the Israeli paradox strikes again."
Steve, I can vouch for Don's ordinariness.
All I see is one spy covering for another while watching this newsgroup like hawks; whilst similarly offering nothing of value to Kubrick fans.

I do have a background in film, and a 19-year AMK track record of Kubrick-related posts, to substantiate why I am actually here.


2018-04-12 07:19:15 UTC
Steve, "we are just ordinary kinda guys."

The leftovers of AMK. For me the archives are important. Whatever little conversation goes on now, is nowhere near as bad as so many years of the vicious arguing and recriminations on AMK. Shouldn't take it too seriously. Usenet was a horrible place.

There are regular horrorshow threads here. Some real wacky ones. Nasty stuff. There were also very good threads about Kubrick films and various points of view lots was useful. Nasty bitter people made it impossible to have any casual conversation about topics and association.

No one is a spy. Relax take stress pill and think things over. Or better yet relax and stop thinking, you are burning your batteries, whirling up a blackhole.

Your videos are like going into a nightmare black hole. Pure negativity. Of course you are freaking out. Canada/Toronto does look and sound horrible and oppressive though and those guys do look shifty and creepy, but damn stop looking at it. It's like you are purposefully torturing yourself, those are street bums and derelects.

The government is dumb and raising a country of dependents. Ok, but the world is not a pureland, what do you expect.

You can't fix it by freaking out. You have to overcome the real world legal problem with courage and relaxed confidence. If they truly are as bad as Clockwork Orange, then move and don't take that environment with you.

After watching your videos, of course it is worrisome and sad to see such stress. Obviously you are frustrated about career setbacks, and some sad events, but stop bitching about it. You are a smart and talented guy and very creative, as I said before, I had no idea you were going through this kind of stuff and frankly it's not my business. But overcome it!

2018-04-12 08:30:58 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Steve, "we are just ordinary kinda guys."
Certainly the imitation leather flim-flam men of the Internet have better things to do that taking turns with hacked accounts in failure-after-failure at deceiving me?

I guess not, otherwise you would have never been in business in the first place.

Don Stockbauer
2018-04-12 13:28:08 UTC
So Moop, using a new nym?

Steve, we humans can think anybody is anything. Personally, I think that you’re the reincarnation of Amelia Earhart.
2018-04-12 16:24:11 UTC
Post by Don Stockbauer
So Moop, using a new nym?
I hope you're not referring to me.


The Moopster's scope is breadthtaking, joycean. I shake my head and look on in awe.

Just taking it all in: Everywhere, at exponentially increasing rates, the weird are turning pro. Hopefully, it's just a fad.
2018-04-12 07:21:04 UTC
Are we all blocked by Vivian? What a weird world!
2018-04-12 22:26:32 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Are we all blocked by Vivian? What a weird world!
I'm so lame, it's my claim to fame!
2018-04-12 22:31:53 UTC
Whatever the case, we can't blame SK. He was anguished about her breakup with the family. People can have serious problems and not seek help which only compounds the problem.
2018-04-12 22:41:40 UTC
We also cannot blame SK for AMK. All of Usenet attracted a lot of people with issues and the other group, I still glance at is ruled over by some very disturbed and nasty people. AMK is paradise compared to some other usenet groups. No sense internalizing it.
Don Stockbauer
2018-04-13 00:41:38 UTC
He’s so lame, he probably thinks this post is about him.
2018-04-13 15:09:38 UTC
A musical interlude

2018-04-13 15:26:57 UTC
Thank you, kelp. Now we return to our regularly scheduled commercial.

On Thursday, April 12, 2018 at 7:41:39 PM UTC-5, Don Stockbauer wrote:
"He’s so lame, he probably thinks this post is about him."

I think this post is probably not about me. You must be referring to my horse, Naturally One. He's so lame, we had to put him down. But he kept getting back up again. True story.

And now, a message from our sponsor...
Don Stockbauer
2018-04-13 18:10:49 UTC
This is the message:Heidi Heidi their friends this is your old pal Elmonte swim telling you to come down here to watch track county at Wilmington exit got damn we got some outside bargains for ya in cars…

This one was definitely about you.
2018-04-13 18:21:42 UTC
Post by Don Stockbauer
This is the message:Heidi Heidi their friends this is your old pal Elmonte swim telling you to come down here to watch track county at Wilmington exit got damn we got some outside bargains for ya in cars…
This one was definitely about you.
That's a big 10-4!
Don Stockbauer
2018-04-14 02:04:22 UTC
Don Stockbauer
2018-04-14 10:30:10 UTC
CB radios are, like, where it’s at, man.
2018-04-14 15:18:27 UTC
Post by Don Stockbauer
CB radios are, like, where it’s at, man.
I think they're going be big!
2018-04-14 15:53:47 UTC
Post by m***@yahoo.com
I think they're going be big!
2018-04-14 15:42:28 UTC
“Thank you, partner, what’s your 20?”


2018-04-14 18:38:38 UTC
Lolita is on TCM Turner Classic Movies starting at noon pst.

Explore the deviency of Humbert Humbert once again.
2018-04-14 19:13:22 UTC
I miss Kubrick so much...

"The moon was blue and so are you....."
2018-04-14 20:45:55 UTC
Lots of live youtube channels using Discord are appearing. That looks like the future of "CB," going to mainstream.with full media.

CB is mostly a Truckers and A Police thing isn't it? Do the Drug Lords use it? I bet it's a swamp.

And also a lawyer and lobbyist haven for insider trading discussions. Probably trafficking of all kinds.

Chattering people, doing shameful, swampish things.
2018-04-14 20:52:02 UTC
"But she is not being repressed Dr. Zempf."

"Mr. Humbart, I don't want to take this to a higher level..."
2018-04-14 21:00:34 UTC
"......Your not going to hang around with these filthy boys anymore!"
2018-04-14 21:34:43 UTC
"I'll write you when we get to Alaska!"
Don Stockbauer
2018-04-15 02:49:37 UTC
Lolita liked to get Humbert to stop at Frigid Queen Drive inns.
2018-04-15 03:08:42 UTC
Lolita review with reader comments.

Most praise the film but look at it as less "Kubrickian" Big error there. Lolita is totally Kubrickian (whatever that means)

The film is an outright Kubrick masterpiece in every way possible. Every viewing uncovers more.

Don Stockbauer
2018-04-15 11:57:23 UTC
I need to watch it again.
2018-04-23 18:47:17 UTC
Crazy guy mows down people in Toronto.
2018-04-23 22:04:38 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Crazy guy mows down people in Toronto.
Another RCMP/TPS/Israeli/US black operation: "(1) surveil Middle-Easterners until they know they're being followed by police; (2) mow down people around one of them with a vehcile and a driver who looks like the surveillance patsy; (3) let them both run, if needed; (4) only one gets an escape vehicle/route; (5) have the scene populated with spies and plain-clothed on prompters to be interviewed by the complicit news media to frame the event at the get-go; (6) police/spy/government budgets go through the roof in a cash-in free-for all."

Or, "Qui bono?"

Black-op happened just minutes after I e-mailed HRW & Amnesty Intl Canada and Canadian Lawyers for Intl Human Rights for legal defense from the RCMP & CSIS. Saw the news break here at 1001 Queen Street West, unit 2, 4th floor; after my being kidnapped by two RCMP who invaded my apartment on April 18, 2018, dressed as Toronto police (having commandeered vehicle 5141), handcuffed me and took me to a spy-processing site doubling as a psych ward. I was thrown inside multiple lock-ups at 250 College Street, Toronto, until sleep-deprived for 40 hours under glaring lights and cold air, so that I would be appropriately 'irritable' for the required psych interview.

I was then forcibly-drugged on 2mg Lorazepam and 50mg Loxapine; and thus rendered babbling and inarticulate for another 'psych' interview (by a Dr. Leonard Ginsberg, an RCMP informant at 1001 Queen West) on April 20 and 23, 2018.

Sorry, I'm not making this up! Typing from a spy/police lockdown at the above-mentioned address. Literally filled with the government junkie drug-runners who run Toronto's streets for the prison populations.

This follows my attempted assassination by the RCMP/CSIS, TPS and Israelis on March 28, 2018 at the Cineplex Varsity. So, I've now had more CIA attempts on me than Castro. I've uncovered the power matrix with OpCat; and my government's embedded crime families are after me big time for exposing their protection schemes.

SK would have enjoyed my life story to date, I think. As I put in the last audio recording I made for OpCat: America, Russia or some other militarized nation needs to free the world from the crimes of the Canadian Mafia state by bombing an evacuated Parliament Hill (along with RCMP and CSIS HQs) for a Dr. Strangelove finale to this sickening affair.

I've literally spelled-it-out for you in my AMK MediaFire file names:





2018-04-24 00:54:40 UTC
Read the whole blog Steve. Wishing you the best. Appreciate your updates.

Your writing skill is high end. Were it intentional comedy and satire, you'd be well on the way to a best seller.

They seem to think the Seroquel will mellow you out. Has it worked for you in the past?

Remember the film, "The President's Analyst." James Coburn.... It hilariously captured paranoia...the Phone Company was the evil conspiracy.

In real life, yes, there are conspiracies, but in truth, the conspiracy theories....even real ones, give way too much credit to the intelligence, omnipotence and capabilities of the conspirators. What's more important is restoring confidence and hope for overcoming the sad things in society.

Sounds like the Van Killer today is being portrayed by media as a mentally ill person, as opposed to being a radical terrorist type. I hope they do not put him in with, "normal," peaceful, citizens like you.

Wish I could say something to encourage you to let go of the mental drama and laugh about all this.

Get better!
2018-04-24 01:40:40 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
They seem to think the Seroquel will mellow you out. Has it worked for you in the past?
As it turned-out, I'd been renting at a CSIS/CIA front property since 1993. When I realized I was under intense surveillance, and dumped my handlers and paid informant "friends," CSIS and the CIA hit me with a specific type of electronic harassment designed to shut-off your brain's sleep cycle.

The intent is to break you into psychosis from sleep deprivation and then, *re-pattern* your personal and psychological behaviours into those befitting a spy or sleeper agent (e.g. "remote-control killer" or "lone wolf terrorist").

The tech is/was running out of my surrounding apartments with CSIS front companies like Jemtec, and a smoke alarm/sonar device installed by the landlord which tracked me around my apartment (manufactured by United Technologies!). I live alone and am nonviolent, which is what these government predator psychopaths look for in their lab rats.

Answering your question directly; I never needed a psychiatrist or Seroquel (or other psych drug trials) before I dumped my CSIS/RCMP handlers spying on me for fun and profit. Once you're onto them, the agencies hit you with the sleep deprivation devices (one was in the CAMH "bright light" room at 250 College Street just days ago) and manufacture circumstances to fit various symptoms associated with a psychiatric illness.

Bipolar diagnoses had increased 40-times over in 2007, which was also the year I resigned from my work and was hit with the remote harassment. Basically, the CIA's MKUltra experiments begun in 1970s Canada never stopped, and are likely responsible for most of the Bipolar diagnoses in the world today (including mine).

Needless to say, a self-manufactured billion-dollar-bonanza industry for the corporations manufacturing the psych meds, SSRIs and all those generic knock-offs.

Truly a sad statement on (in)humanity.


2018-04-24 02:36:41 UTC
If you really are a mkultra lab rat, they picked a person who is too smart and strong to be brainwashed. On the other hand, when I worked in mental wards for so long, i have heard many who were having extreme paranoid states with grandiose conspiracy ideation.

The fact is, the doctors and nurses I worked with, were too busy with mundane daily routines to be instruments of a devious governmental conspiracy, they were too busy with their own social soap operas.

Some patients would have preposterous paranoias and no amount of reassuring them that their paranoia was a figment of wild imagination would work to bring them to reality. In those kinds of cases, the person usually had a huge case of intense Ideas of Reference confusion. People tend to get defensive if the validity of their perception is dismissed. There were therapies based in confrontive "reality therapy" and therapies based in the "existential psychology," there was also the predominant behavior therapy. The medical model was dispensing meds of course. Speculation about genetic causes is little help.

All people see things from a self-centered perspective in varying degrees. Everyone is their own center of the universe. Grandiosity in my view is a learned defense mechanism and insults to the ego in childhood may have begun a pattern. The understanding of the brain chemistry and the genetics aspect is very primitive. Failed cures, becomes discouraging, but on the other hand, there have been remarkable, spontaneous self-cures. I've known people who just got over the problem..

In the case of meds, sometimes they actually work. Most psych staffs are actually trying to help, but have limited ability to solve the complex and unique problems.

Obviously, sleeplessness and flight of ideas is a symptom of bipolar and exacerbates the problem. Some meds have a paradoxical effects in different individuals.

Maybe you should continue your sci-fi story, divorced from this current plight you are in. Three, long slow, deep breathes, with palms together, slowly raised over your head as you inhale and back down as you exhale. hands moving with the breath, (Arica Psychocalistenics, Yoga) numerous times a day, really help people center themselves. Rejuvenating.

BTW that story you were writing reminded me initially of Ray Bradbury. Channel that creativity. It's okay to not internalize your current environment. The real joy of creativity is to let imagination get away from real time events.
2018-04-24 13:24:50 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
If you really are a mkultra lab rat, they picked a person who is too smart and strong to be brainwashed.
My recent communication through AMK via Google Groups has certainly gone through the RCMP/CSIS/CIA grapevine and jewish information networks, with a huge attitude adjustment from all involved in my CAMH mental ward "black cube."

So, I'll just keep updating the Word document linked-below as my ongoing blog:



2018-04-26 06:36:33 UTC
updated blog share link: https://1drv.ms/w/s!Apdm_jToC6MGvUTIoz_D9SCeB7_N


2018-04-26 16:58:07 UTC
That video of your visitors was high drama Reality TV. Saw it yesterday.

I hope you can take it easy and rest your mind.
2018-04-26 17:16:58 UTC
I saw those broadcasts that day and that fellow you referenced.

The "voice of god technology" seen on the internet-- thought insertion tools were often referred too by patients I worked with. A person with a truly scientific mind can't simply dismiss claims like these, no matter how unbelievable it may sound, when trying to understand those who are hearing voices and claiming government was in their mind. Honestly I had heard many people claiming they were receiving microwave transmissions in their head. We only know those technologies were being attempted for military purposes--- but it is very hard to believe---

Some people have claimed voices throughout all of history.
2018-04-26 17:40:30 UTC
Keep in mind, that it really isn't your personal responsibility to solve all the problems you perceive in your country. Some of the best people remain aloof from politics and entanglements and create value in other ways. No need to overreach and amplify your self. It's okay to stay out of politics and the rat race and just do your own creative projects. No single person can solve all the perceived problems.

Old Japanese proverb about "the Nail that sticks out gets hammered." Wisdom goes beyond being "right" or self-righteous.

Funny how this drama is playing out on AMK. As I was writing this, some random youtube video on my TV flashed the scene from Dr Strangelove, of Mandrake putting his arm around Ripper and trying to humor him and talk him down.

Humor is clarity. Laughing at yourself is good!
2018-04-26 17:46:07 UTC
As I suggested, previously, you might take this time to continue your fiction writing, maybe turn it into a scriot. You have a positive future and have the innate need to create. Don't be bogged down by this real world hassle anymore.
2018-04-27 01:30:16 UTC
I was unaware of the term, "gangstalking," Stumbled onto /r gangstalking

Is this an epidemic? Of....?

Obviously social media and tech firms are in cahoots with Soros groups, that is obvious, but this stuff ...I don't get it.

I see people on that reddit complaining their stalkers all look like meth heads....srsly weird.
2018-04-27 02:54:05 UTC
Watched some youtube videos on "gangstalking."

I see "Gangstalking, Support Groups," online.

One psychologist said, "They find each other on the internet..."

It's incredibly far fetched.

My conclusion at the moment, is EVEN if these people aren't in the grip of schizophrenia or bi-polar and what they say is true--- they need to learn immunity to it---

As a buddhist I would say that with buddhist practice one can become immune to such things.
2018-04-27 03:31:31 UTC
A scholarly article pdf, by an old acquaintance of mine a Professor at Princeton

Regarding the Persecution of the Japanese Buddhist Priest Nichiren.

2018-04-27 05:01:48 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Watched some youtube videos on "gangstalking."
I see "Gangstalking, Support Groups," online.
One psychologist said, "They find each other on the internet..."
I can confirm the Internet is loaded with spies and undercover police pretending to be targeted individuals to discredit the legitimate ones. These cocaine/meth-addict animals are *SO* good at making the good, honest people they prey upon look crazy.

For legitimate AMK lurkers: Mob stalkling, or mass community harassment campaigns, are run by the Five-Eyes intelligence agencies. Literally thousands of otherwise useless individuals stalk nonviolent and intelligent people who would threaten to expose government violence and crime (and the aforementioned free-ride paychecks of these social parasites). These spies go everywhere their targets go; smearing them as a pedophile, harasser, drug-runner, white supremacist, etc. to compel the target to commit suicide, leave the country or become another parasitic spy.

If all goes as planned (and if Five Eyes don;t have me on a no-fly), I will be permanently within the protection of Denmark or Luxembourg to escape these reprehensible, drug-addict spies and their obsessions; with Op Catalyst being my undeniable refugee claim. It's no use keeping where I;m going a secret, as they will know within seconds of my booking a one-way ticket.

I cannot wait to leave North America forever; while the rest of the world watches it collapse from its debt, crimes, forever wars, open-air prison mandate and black op terrorism. The entirety of it is infected with a terminal disease it will never shake.


2018-04-27 17:08:30 UTC
Believe me I get where you are coming from, now that I've studied gangstalking.....dwelled on hiw to convey to you something they might help you break your attachment to these theories.


Steve, the "gangstalking" phenomena is because the internet has provided communities of like-minded people to create a self-reinforcing phenomena.

When I worked in psych wards throughout the 80's-90's. The only communities for sufferers of these mind states, were in group therapy. Many of them did attribute their paranoias to gov, military, intelligence, police, etc. so that is not new.

Going back in history, "madness" has always been there. We see it discussed in, ancient books, Plato, etc. Demons, etc. cures were attempted, in ancient times. Herbs from Aryavedic medicine, "Caraka Samhita," Yoga Sutras, Chinese medicine which came from Aryavedic. There were ancient attempts at surgery, boring holes in the skull etc. and later Treppaning. There was also witch burning and very cruel, primitive medical treatments.

Madness was also discussed as victims being "close to god" and spoken of in positive terms. This can be seen in religious discussions in ancient times. Numerous Saints were considered "mad." Etc.

One thing we can easily see about internet forums and discussions is how there is anger and hideous arguing in all "social media." Supposedly "normal" people arguing over trivia.

My sister was telling me about going into a food forum where people were talking about those plastic kitchen machines to make pasta-like foods out of zucchini and other vegetables. She said the people in the discussion were having vicious name calling arguments.

We know that the online political arguments DO have paid, "brigading" and bots. Very disgusting and clearly conspiratorial. There are REAL conspiracies. There always have been political conspiracies....but they have no REAL power. They just make bad karma for the people who do it.

We also know there have been disgusting efforts at gov mind control experiments that was/is very real. That they used vulnerable people and homeless etc., to carry out their experimental activities is also a fact.

BUT things have to be kept in perspective. The symptoms of psychosis and paranoia is also very real and has been known since antiquity--long ago. Way before DEW technology was there. Sure, political gaslighting is ancient, but lets be real.

In a way, "gangstalking" victims concluding that it MUST be technology provided by Alien beings, is really nothing but an attempt to find a rational or logical explanation as to their ailment and paranoias.

After you go down the list, checking off the possibilities of what is causing these problems and all those possible causes don't make sense, then arriving at the "evil Alien" hypothesis, or Lovecraftian style demons, is actually "logical" when there are no further choices to find the causes. The mind naturally goes down the list of possibilities. Psychiatry uses labels to identify these illnesses, and also goes down a list of possible causes, but really has no idea, just theories---and meds can help contain the problem a little.

It is clear that severe life changing events and life failures can have very bad effects on a person's internal self worth. Once self confidence is shaken by real events, patterns of behavior and thinking can appear.

This is actually cause and effect...a natural thing. It's called karma. Nothing actually mystical or supernatural about it. It consists of both linear and simultaneous cause and effect.

The life condition and way to awakening and raising one's life condition, is fundamental to happiness.

In otherwords.....you can cure your karmic illness and fullfil your personal dreams. You are already intellectually strong, however the intellectual life-states can also become impediments and create arrogance and reinforcing misguided beliefs.

Just like other factors of mental discipline it us up to you to STOP the mind and observe it objectively. It is up to you to control your thoughts an cut off the negativity completly. Do not give yourself the luxury of further entertaining these theories in this internalized way!

Stopping the mind is the fundamental basis of Yoga and enlightenment. Break the attachments to these lower life states.

Trust the inner self not the superficial mental chatter, that is just sludge in the mental pipeline.

Let it go and do not reconstruct negative lifestates ever again. Resoluteness of the middle path, is the cure.

"Become the master of you own mind, not your mind the master of you."
2018-04-27 17:27:10 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Believe me I get where you are coming from, now that I've studied gangstalking.....dwelled on hiw to convey to you something they might help you break your attachment to these theories.
Funny how the Buddhists, monks, priests, rabbis and Scientologists are never incarcerated for having delusional, lofty theories and associations with a higher power—nor their followers.

I know: the hidden camera in my mailroom, the biometric surveillance tech shipped to my neighbouring apartment and my gimmick-ridden, no-tamper United Technologies smoke detector are all in my mind. And the JDL and B'nai Brith don't put people on their mob-stalking lists...now literally compiling dossiers on students who support BDS.

By dismissing my half-decade's evidence on opcatalyst.net, you've just confessed to being part of my C.I. campaign, working me through AMK, and trying to get away with it through psycho-babble. Again, I'm sure your multiple AMK handles are not all just David Sinclair Cole.

Thankfully, I can reach Copenhagen *deluxe* by cruise ship if I'm on an RCMP/CIA no-fly list. They don't stalk, jail and destroy people there for contesting the massive earnings yielded by jewish organized lying.

Or refusing to be a drug-running spy of a government racket.


2018-04-27 17:54:09 UTC
"I know: the hidden camera in my mailroom, the biometric surveillance tech shipped to my neighbouring apartment and my gimmick-ridden, no-tamper United Technologies smoke detector are all in my mind. And the JDL and B'nai Brith don't put people on their mob-stalking lists...now literally compiling dossiers on students who support BDS."

Back to you, kelp! The Buddhist approach seems not to be persuasive. What is the appropriate response?
2018-04-28 20:13:51 UTC
Sorry Steve. You will have to get over your problem. You will get over it!

What I am telling you, is whether the gangstalking is real or not, I am giving you a way to overcome your problem. Proper Meditation practice---basic yoga meditation, will, either make you immune to it, or cure or overcome the Schizophrenia. It means breaking free of habitual, false conception of self and centering the mind.

I am not negating your beliefs. It's like the movie BUG. It's good creepy, comedy story, but actually makng fun of paranoid schizophrenia, which has been around throughout recorded history. It's a karmic problem. Very impressionable people that believe these things and are actually crying wolf and thus, make it more difficult and tricky to combat real conspiracies!

The idea that I am part of your conspiracy is idiotic and ridiculous. It all makes good, creepy paranoid fiction, but that's what it is. There are REAL conspiracies to worry about, without conflating it into super-omnipotent spies capable of organizing and orchestrating a vast movement of people around an individual. It's paranoid schiziphrenia, not Aliens or super technology run by genius spies. These mkuktra wackos in the 50's and 60's are still dangerous wackos today, but they had no real power, intelligence, or super technology.

The REAL conspirators in politics and "intelligence," agencies, are just low grade, dumb people foaming at the mouth with a lust for power---and ideologues --and themselves, having mental problems. They need exposing, but not by buying into them as very smart, all powerful people conspiring with Aliens!

Although religion has common roots, real religion has always been all about learning to master your own mind, not filling the mind with dogma and theory or using external technology and letting it control you.

Karma is cause and effect. It is natural like gravity. Organized religion f's it up because they bring in extraneous dogma and stupid human politics and power plays----like when Emperor Justinan I and the Christians, erased Buddhism from Christianity, by announcing the great Christian Origen was a heretic. Jesus was essentially a Buddhist.

The real truth is amazing and profound... And Good News. Joyful news.

Kubrick modeled the Monolith hanging in space, on the sacred mandala of Nichiren Buddhism. Read the Saddharma Pundarika Sutra. (Myoho Renge Kyo)

I was at the corner of Hollywood Blvd and Highland Ave with a bunch of us Buddhists way back when, I was commenting on the billboard ad for 2001 across the street, to Luana Anders, when she told me the details of when SK attended a Gokukai ceremony and received his own Mandala scroll. (Gohonzon). This means Kubrick saw the large black laquereef Nichiren Shoshu plank mandala of the same dimensions as the monolith in the film. Obviously he studied it.

The famous symbology of the 2001 alignment is nothing other then the basic buddhist symbology,
2018-04-26 04:44:05 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Crazy guy mows down people in Toronto.
Another RCMP/TPS/Israeli/US black operation: <snip>
Released from the psych lockup yesterday at noon, since they had no legitimate reason to keep me there (nor to have abducted me...de facto kidnapping).

Finally had some time to review the local news footage on Monday's black op in North York. Driver looks like a police informant driven loco by his handlers, mind-harassment or both (fitting the FBI playbook on the Boston bombers, San Bernadino, Orlando, etc.).

I had tweeted video stills one of the black op witnesses, who not only called-in an active shooter alarm on me when I entered Sherpard-Yonge subway back in November 2017, but also 'conveniently' made both the CBC and CTV broadcasts on Monday.


He goes by, "Rocco Signelli" at 22:06 in the newscast below:


Toronto police chief Mark Saunders being in NYC during the black op almost certifies his, RCMP and/or CIA/NSA involvement. I'll try to finalize the MS Word blog, since it is now evidence of a massive Toronto police/RCMP psyop and criminal conspiracy to 're-bond' the state to its taxpayers through domestic terrorism.


2018-04-12 16:53:32 UTC
Post by s***@hotmail.com
All I see is one spy covering for another while watching this newsgroup like hawks; whilst similarly offering nothing of value to Kubrick fans.
Steve, I would be offended, if that were possible.

At one time or two I referred to kelp, don and the moop as the three-headed cerberus--as cerberi generally are--only to be ignored and immediately forgotten.

It's nothing personal. How could it be?

I find each and every post to be homage to Kubrick, and extremely informative, on rare occasions creepy and obsessive. But what the hell...

Don't go down the paranoid path; it's one way only.
Don Stockbauer
2018-04-12 19:16:00 UTC
But what about the little baby feller?
Don Stockbauer
2018-04-12 19:45:52 UTC
Post by Don Stockbauer
But what about the little baby feller?
And I can vouch for the ordinariness of whoever that is.
2018-04-12 22:25:39 UTC
When a person is suffering from severe bi-polar disorder and extreme paranoid delusions and in a manic phase, they are stuck at the epitome of arrogance and resentment. Later they plunge into devastating depression.

Resentment and arrogance are huge impediments to happiness. It is said (in Buddhist sutras) that when a being is stuck in these lifestates, controlled by the three poisons of anger, arrogance and stupidity, they are like a person who fell in a well and refuse to take hold of a rope lowered down to them by people with compassion ( ie., a Buddha or Bodhisattva in their heart) to pull them up, they are powerless to help,

Steve, you can be sure that the couple people here on AMK, essentially "strangers" who have been on and off AMK for years, only wish you well and are sending you prayers formally or informally, from their heart. No one here enjoys seeing you suffering like this.
Don Stockbauer
2018-04-12 19:46:05 UTC
Post by m***@yahoo.com
Post by s***@hotmail.com
All I see is one spy covering for another while watching this newsgroup like hawks; whilst similarly offering nothing of value to Kubrick fans.
Steve, I would be offended, if that were possible.
At one time or two I referred to kelp, don and the moop as the three-headed cerberus--as cerberi generally are--only to be ignored and immediately forgotten.
It's nothing personal. How could it be?
I find each and every post to be homage to Kubrick, and extremely informative, on rare occasions creepy and obsessive. But what the hell...
Don't go down the paranoid path; it's one way only.
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