What a great wife
(too old to reply)
2018-06-15 23:47:37 UTC
Here is a thread were the Dubliner "Padraig" was insuting Katherina, and everyone else.
2018-06-16 03:07:50 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Here is a thread were the Dubliner "Padraig" was insuting Katherina, and everyone else.
I'll correct that misleading information. Padraig was frequently drunk and went after almost everyone in fits. There was no reasoning with him in or out of that state. No different than Matthew Dickenson and his psychiatric issues, when AMKers repeatedly called his parents and they nor the police did anything to stop him. A troll alert or FAQ on either was of zero use.

David Sinclair Cole and Paulo Soares Figueiredo pick low-hanging fruit to falsely make it see as if I had a personal vendetta against Paulo, as they would have to do when the two of them had and have a personal vendetta against me for helping defend AMK from them.

Now the truth is known after all these years. Thank you, kings of a pile of dirt.


Don Stockbauer
2018-06-16 12:53:06 UTC
Take my great wife - please!
