Post by TobascoI just happened to lurk in when PH was lambasting kckh awhile back -- call
PH at a dinner party arising and laying forth his unique tirade on this
woman as she held a fork full of peas & carrots in suspended animation, eyes
darting/rolling in search of the nearest door...
Perhaps you might actually consider the facts of that incident before
re-imagining them according to your preferred prejudices or your
selective amnesia. The relevant posts that constituted that
disagreement are re-posted below in their entirety. I simply took KCKH
to task, as I would any other poster here, for ingratiating herself
with a pro-Bush war-mongerer, Darin Boville. So if my so-called
"lambasting" of Katharina for her error is a greater sin than open
support for mass-slaughter, which is continuing daily, then many
posters here are indeed beyond the pale. Katharina's lambasting of me
for taking her to task on this issue, and her resulting knee-jerk
withdrawal from this newsgroup, has in actuality resulted in more
damage to the newsgroup (the resulting departure of many other posters
- particularly *all* the British ones, in disgust at the sheer
aggressive - and to my mind criminal - war-mongering attitudes and
hopeless political ignorance [as manifest in Jackson's redneck
tirades] of numerous US posters here) than the abuse of all AMK's past
trolls combined.
Post by TobascoIn my sense of decorum, influenced by innumerable details of development,
ranging back to who knows what level of cellular etiqutte practices in
primeval swamps to my own mother's occasionally stern, wordless
admonishments at the dinner table, this kind of assault is ---- out of the
question. Period.
But you see Padraig is not me. I am not him. I cannot level judgement in
any absolute sense on this person whose personality influences and
contingencies are beyond my ken.
Was it a fucked up thing to do? --- Yes.
No. The responses of other posters, yourself included, could be so
described, as they continue to be.
Post by TobascoShould the Irish renegade actually pay a bit of due to the 'old respect for
the other person' common decency convention? --- uhhh yes, I'd say so
Do I entirely disagree with the details of PH's issues and concerns re: what
he's on about? --- No.
Is this Padraig's 'human nature'? No --- Padraig was expressing an object
of personality in (IMO) a most abberant and aggressively bizarre manner.
Since when is rational and moral argument "most abberant and
aggressively bizarre"?
Post by TobascoPersonality is not 'human nature' --- it is the nature of a human to form a
personality. Do you still consider this semantic hair-splitting?
Personality - or human nature - has nothing to do with it; these
scapegoat constructions are cowardly attempts on your and Jackass
Jackson's part to depoliticise the fundamental issues, relocating them
into the amoral rut of the personal subjective. And I have little
respect for anyone here (a growing quotient) who attacks those
actively lobbying for, and committed to, bringing an end to current US
atrocities abroad. [Jackson wants to know what to do? He could begin
by doing us all a favour and shutting to fuck up with his manic and
unhinged attacks on those here working for world peace ...].
Post by TobascoLOL! I didn't understand Padraig's response either. I was like- HUH?
[to use teen-speak for a moment.]
Well, if you had been following his obnoxious attempts at legitimising
Bush's mass murder in Iraq, if you had witnessed his numbing attempt
to appropriate Kubrick's films to justify his war-mongering stance, if
you had read his scurrilous dismissing of anyone challenging his smug
views as a "troll", you might have understood. But this newsgroup has
an acute and sad dose of chronic, willful amnesia. To see him wasting
bandwidth here with - in the light of his lethal views - his pathetic,
irelevant nonsense about his miserable birthday, but clearly it seems
that the majority of extremist posters here, including now yourself,
care more about this fucked up idiot than about the wider world.
So be it.
I am probably the least 'extremist poster' you are ever likely to
encounter Padraig.
I do not read every post nor do I follow every thread. I picked up
that it was Darin's birthday and that his spouse had bought him nice
OT presents!.
I thought,wisely or not, that your response to his birthday post was
a bit harsh that's all. I was trying to be light hearted about it. I
am very sorry if I have offended you , or anyone else for that matter.
I appreciate your posting these articles about the dreadful state the
world is in. I would not otherwise see them.and I have told you so.
The fact that i do not spend my time seeking them out for myself does
not make me a bad person, nor an uncaring one; nor do I think it
appropriate for you to include me in a group you describe as
'extremist'. Because in the way you use it, it's an insult.
I suggest, that if you are so dreadfully unhappy here,and you deem
all the AMK members -including me- to be gamma-minus morons and
extremist fuckwits, that you should maybe not participate any longer.
I am not defending anyones behaviour here. I defend myself.
and I think you are being rather rude.
I think it's a tragic waste of time for everyone to be fighting here,
Isn't there enough of that going on everywhere else?
On Sun, 11 May 2003 21:04:46 -0500, Mike Jackson
Post by TobascoOn Sat, 10 May 2003 19:12:04 -0500, Mike Jackson
You know Padraig, I'd drag you out of the bar and whump your ass good for
that one.
And what would be the case if you had directed such a dumbfounding
remark at Katharina?
Then someone should take me to the woodshed and whump my ass too.
Your conduct is unbecoming of an AMK poster and you know it.
Why don't you check back in when you've sobered up and have something worth
sharing? Like say an apology to Katharina and all the longtime posters who
you've just offended...
On the contrary: You mean the longtime posters who have just offended
me ... can't you learn to elevate yourself above oppressively racist
"Irish drunk" stereotypes and instead learn to locate the present
world-shattering drunkeness in your own backyard?
You ARE a drunkard Padraig.
You're drunk on anger and you're lashing out at us posters here with it.
That is what you are doing in this post.
Post by Tobascoand others here understand your points and asking you to conduct yourself
civilly gets us more vitriol.
You don't understand my points: my last response to Katharina was
civil, and I reserve justified vitriol for those who throw it in my
Post by TobascoAnd don't come crying to me with being labeled with the Irish drunkard
bullshit because I've heard enough of it from one side of my mostly Irish
descended family. Drunkards are everywhere, every race and nationality.
I know you at least well enough here that you know better than to take that
No, rather than actually address the issue of racial stereotyping, you
have chosen to indulge in it further, rather than respond with actual
arguments in support of your contention that I intentionally set out
to offend Katharina, you simply went instead for the jugular ad
hominem "he must be drunk".
Post by TobascoI'm a US citizen and you know what I can do to stop George Bush whom I think
is the village idiot propped up by his corporate sponsors from running
Ripper-like on the world looting for those same corporate jackals?
You seem obsessed with the notion that you are being pestered to go
run out and "do" something, as if all issues can only be responded to
with some macho "quick fix" display of ruggedly "heroic"
Post by TobascoI can do exactly squat.
You like saying this at regular intervals. If you repeat it often
enough you may also discover that you can say exactly squat, too.
Post by TobascoExcept casting a vote against him in Nov 2004.
I'm not even going to bother reading the rest of the prattle in this post
because you're sidestepping the issue.
Well, its not prattle, and it is you who is avoiding the issue quite
Post by TobascoI don't care how outraged you are, I don't give a shit how the world is
coming down around our ears (shitfuckinghowdy when has it NOT?) it doesn't
justify the anger you're shooting out in great fireballs around here,
Like the anger you're displaying here? In defense of your not giving a
"shit how the world is coming down around your ears"?
Post by Tobascoespecially at Katharina.
Why so? My response was totally justified; its just that you refuse to
see that because of your unwillingness to understand it, as with all
the other responses on this thread.
Post by TobascoYou're complete inability to see that is bordering
on total denial or borderline insanity.
Oh I see it, all right ... and without the need to express more slurs
in order to do so. And it is your inability to see how ridiculous your
arguments are here that is unfortunate.
Post by TobascoWe're all in a world of shit, we've always been in a world of shit, but I'm
going to have a sense of perspective about it.
Now that I would call a sense of perspective that likes being in a
world of shit
Post by TobascoTaking the shot you did at Katharina is something I would expect from LB,
not you.
What shot is that, exactly? You really think this is all some kind of
childish little game, Mike. I'm sorry, but if you want to live in some
ridiculous fantasy world, completely insulated from any sense of moral
responsibility, you've picked the wrong newsgroup to post at, the
wrong director to discuss. And I'll make absolutely no apologies to
anyone for taking the moral stance that I've been adopting here;
Katharina needs to perhaps recognise what this newsgroup is about and
stop imagining - along with many other posters here - that just
because she's Kubrick's daughter this automatically makes her immune
from all criticism, however justified. My criticism of her "LOL" post,
again was reasonable, not rude, was intended to be explanatory, not
insulting, had no other agenda than to inform. If, as she said, she
was unaware of the context, then that is indeed regrettable, but it
was then really unnecessary for her sudden swipe "maybe you shouldn't
post here anymore?" That is just unreasonable in the light of my
posting history here (and in the light of her subsequent unnecessary
announcement that >she< is not leaving), where I have never taken her
to task about anything she has written here before (on the contrary)
and defended Kubrick's reputation on countless occasions. But under no
circumstances whatsoever will I ever apologise to anyone for speaking
out against those who support or choose an indefensible, casual
indifference towards the current US mass terrorism. That is not
negotiable. Are you nuts? Like you said above, you seem not to care
anyway. So why all your anger here? What constructive purpose does it
Padraig wrote:
Well, firstly, it appears to me that there has been a glut of
misunderstandings and misattributions in this thread, including a
predictably hysterical over-reaction to the innocuous humour of my
previous "Ann Margaret" response to your post on the part of some
other posters, so I'll concentrate in the main on responding here to
your post above, seeing as my last one was so utterly - and
conveniently - misunderstood.
Yes, my response to Darin's at-one-level somewhat cloying "birthday"
post was seemingly harsh (and I'm left wondering how you would
evaluate his and others' harsh responses to many of my own posts on
more serious topics), but given the still-latent afterglow of his
recent discourse at AMK, including labelling me a troll on two
occasions - you missed those too? - because I had confronted his
unexamined assumptions both about Kubrick's films, particularly FMJ,
and current geopolitical events, I felt it was a justifiably
appropriate response. To recall, my response was:
"Maybe you need to set up a blog..."
[though hopefully Kieslowski's three-colours trilogy will finally
signal to self-absorbed you the beginnings of a social conscience,
though I won't be holding my breath ...]
The first quotation above was previously written by Darin as a foolish
"suggestion" that he directed at me in a post on the "Strangelove
Revisited" thread because I had responded in that thread to one of my
own posts with a critical addendum; so I re-directed his "suggestion"
right back at him in response to his little birthday ditty, precisely
because it was the latter itself that represented an exercise in
self-flattery, ostensibly innocuous narcism. And the second - to my
mind elementary - statement in parentheses should really be
self-explanatory (and I take it you have seen some of Kieslowski's
films? Kubrick's last published piece was a short intro to the
Decalogue scripts, after all) in the light of Darin's many posts
articulating his disinterested and conservative views on political and
social issues (and frankly, anyone who would claim, as Darin did,
about Kubrick's films in the "Kubrick and War" thread, that "I see not
an anti-war stance in these films, at least not of the anti-war vs.
pro-war variety.," has either completely lost the plot or is instead
attempting to push their own in-the-light-of-current-events agenda
onto Kubrick's work). There was a time at AMK when someone expressing
such an uninformed sentiment about Kubrick's art would be instantly
and correctly labelled as a troll by the then majority of long-term
posters, would be recognised as someone purposely provoking a
destructive flame war; but today, many of those posters have either
already departed or have given up in despair (mainly because of the
increasing preponderence of such reactionary views and provocative
flames), and it is anyone properly confronting such a silly
flame-inciting sentiment who is now designated the troll.
So Katharina, in this light, your choice of "LOL!" as a response to
the Darin/SeanDelgado posts that poorly attempted to ridicule my own
response to Darin's wish-me-happy-happy-birthday post above was not
for me particularly endearing; moreover, my equally "harsh" response
was made because I felt that such a post was not in the best interests
either of this newsgroup or of meaningful Kubrickean scholarship,
however innocently genuine and sincere it undoubtedly was. Instead, it
has served to give further ammunition to those many posters here
intent on - perhaps unwittingly - draging this newsgroup down below
their own level while rubbishing those posters who still desire to
maintain AMK's long-standing tradition of seriously discussing
Kubrickean scholarship, as well as relating the insights of his work
to the wider contemporary world.
For a director, half of whose film output directly and unflinchingly
addressed issues of war and human conflict, of "fighting" (F&D, POG,
Spartacus, Dr S, ACO, BL, and FMJ, at least), are you also suggesting
that because Kubrick was clearly unhappy with the state of the world,
with society, with the "flaws" in human organisation, that he really
"should maybe not participate any longer" in that society? That it is
inappropriate and OT to seriously debate the unhappy state of the
world here at AMK, that it is "a tragic waste of time for everyone to
be fighting here" just because there is more than "enough of that
going on everywhere else?" I'm more than confident that you don't
actually believe this, that in fact the conflict "going on everywhere
else" heightens - both morally and philosophically - the urgency, the
responsibility, and the importance of discussing such conflict ...
and a close reading of Kubrick's work on these issues provides a
laudable context for such an activity on this newsgroup, despite the
efforts of many to trivialise and censor such discussion [especially
when such discourse doesn't proceed according to their own
unreconstructed prejudices], while also trying to marginalise and
ostracise those active in such debate.
You mention that you have read many of the OT posts about the present
conflict, so is it too much for me to assume that you have also read
some of the numerous hysterical and ill-considered responses by many
posters here to those same OT posts, responses that, to borrow from
your post above, are best considered as "rude" and "insulting" to
anyone reasonably informed and concerned about the present disturbing
conflicts? And now on this thread another slate of ridiculously
slanderous posts calling me "pathological" and of having a "mental
disorder" for responding humourously to your above post; its hardly
new - for the more right-wing posters like Greg Lowry, Wordsmith and
others it seems to have become a crusade, their AMK raison d'etre, but
I'll not further legitimate their adolescent assaults by responding to
their euphoric idiocy.
Making knee-jerk fun of the genuinely serious posts here while
simultaneously adopting a faux-serious, defensive (and morally
indignant) posture about the trivial ones (newsgroups often being
characterised as having the intrinsic tendency to exaggerate one's
sensitivities) is actually the modus operandi of adolescent culture,
something many of the posters that I'm referring to on this newsgroup
appear to excel at further expressing, often then dragging everyone
else into the culturally dubious and hopeless cauldren of pointless
It does not have to be this way ...
On Sat, 17 May 2003 09:36:38 -0700 (PDT),
Post by Tobasco<And BTW, Katharina, an apology to this newsgroup (and everything it
stands for) >would< help get you out of the rut you now find yourself in
here. Fat chance.>
The ego involved in the above is beyond repair. Katharina has nothing to
apologize for nor is she in a rut.
Yes she does and yes she is (as with those other posters here who have
degenerated into a vile, clueless mob).
She has treated with self-serving contempt what this newsgroup has
always stood for, preferring to indulge in irrelevant smalltalk
nonsense (loathed by Kubrick) and stupid, ill-considered "LOL" asides
as though this newsgroup were some kind of adolescent chat room/dating
agency, always playing the pompous "Kubrick's daughter" card to sweep
aside all criticism while attempting to - as of now - ostracise anyone
who questions her attitudes and behaviour, in the full knowledge that
she can always rely on the newsgroup fanzine lapdogs for "support".
If she's really so genuinely and sincerely interested in being
"helpful" to posters here, then why her outrageous passive-aggressive
outburst directed at me - who has been posting here since long before
her arrival - (particularly her pathetic Glenna reference and
offensive "the usenet hot aired paper tigers") when I pointed out a
serious and misguided flaw in her lazy "air-head" reasoning?
Why did she have her FAQ on the Kubrick Site suddenly removed without
even bothering to condescend to an offer of any explanation to posters
Why the >total< avoidance of any information of real substance about
Kubrick's work?
Why not come clean about all the pathetic untruths in relation to EWS
and AI, rather than distracting our attention away from such important
issues with trivial tabloid anecdotes?
Oh, but we're not permitted to ask such questions, as if this
newsgroup had suddenly become some kind of cosy PR extension of the
Kubrick Estate. Well, I'm sorry, but these are the questions that most
need to be asked, and if she refuses to cooperate or address them,
then her presence here is purely decorative. And mis-leading. That is
the hard truth, and no amount of dumb, knee-jerk self-righteous
indignation directed at me by you or others will have any effect here,
except to further embarrass you.
But what do you care?
Katharina writes:
You really don't like me very much, do you Padraig?
APart from my leg pulling quip about your post regarding Darins
birthday, I have never to my knowledge been anything other than
pleasant towards you and have told you how much I valued your posts
and that you had my vote.
I cannot tell you what a distinctly odd feeling it is knowing that
somewhere in Ireland, there is a man,whom I have never met, who hates
me. You were kindly enough disposed towards me when I was posting how
beautiful your country is and how much I enjoyed being there.
Is your disappointment in my lack of intellectual prowess, and
willingness to answer any and all questions in depth, to your
satisfaction, grounds enough to vilify me to such an extent?
Post by Tobasco<And BTW, Katharina, an apology to this newsgroup (and everything it
stands for) >would< help get you out of the rut you now find yourself in
here. Fat chance.>
She has treated with self-serving contempt
Have I? How am I self-serving. What on earth do you suppose I have to
gain from being here? I am contemptuous on no-one. It is not in my
nature. People upset me, make me cry even, [not you btw] but contempt
towards others hardly ever.
what this newsgroup has
Post by Tobascoalways stood for, preferring to indulge in irrelevant smalltalk
nonsense (loathed by Kubrick)
As far as I can see there has always been a fair amount of "small
talk" going on here. Gee I thought this was supposed to be fun! Or is
fun not allowed anymore in Padraigs world? and YOU WERE ALWAYS at our
table listening to our conversations were you. You "KNOW" Stanley that
well eh? Good for you. Why don't you answer all the bloody questions
then? How you have the audacity to tell me what Stanley did didn't
loathe is quite staggering.
and stupid, ill-considered "LOL" asides
Post by Tobascoas though this newsgroup were some kind of adolescent chat room/dating
agency, always playing the pompous "Kubrick's daughter"
WEll I *am* "Kubrick's daughter" I'm not playing at it. honest. I also
am the least pompous person you are ever likely to meet.I know you
don't see it that way but I cannot help how you feel towards me.
card to sweep
Post by Tobascoaside all criticism while attempting to - as of now - ostracise anyone
who questions her attitudes and behaviour, in the full knowledge that
she can always rely on the newsgroup fanzine lapdogs for "support".
Criticize away, you are entitled to your opinion,even if it's wrong.
There are people who are supportive of my being here, it's very nice.
I have no control over what other people choose to say about me. It's
nice to be liked. Is that such a fatuous sentiment?
Why? What earthly reason do you have for despising me to such an
Post by TobascoIf she's really so genuinely and sincerely interested in being
"helpful" to posters here, then why her outrageous passive-aggressive
outburst directed at me
It wasn't an outburst. You want outburst? I can give you an ouburst if
you like, but you wouldn't like it and I wouldn't lower myself. I
didn't read the whole sad darin Sean thing. I could care less why you
were all fighting.
- who has been posting here since long before
You think maybe I should have asked your permission to join first?
Should I have taken an exam as to my qualifications?
(particularly her pathetic Glenna reference and
Post by Tobascooffensive "the usenet hot aired paper tigers") when I pointed out a
serious and misguided flaw in her lazy "air-head" reasoning?
I'm an air-head in your opinion. Fine. Nothing I can do about that. I
was embarressed that I became embroiled in a war of words with Glenna.
I was going through some very difficult and painful stuff in my own
life and I lost it for a while. I'm amazed I'm even attempting to
reason with you, as you are dead set against me for some reason.
Post by TobascoWhy did she have her FAQ on the Kubrick Site suddenly removed without
even bothering to condescend to an offer of any explanation to posters
I don't have to ask anyones permission or explain why I do anything
esp with MY faq! Dear sweet Rod Munday, who put it together through
considerable effort on his part , understood completely my decision to
take it down.
But if I am such a nit-wit and my anwers are so trivial why in gods
name do you give a toss?
Do my Usenet manners need polishing or something?
Post by TobascoWhy the >total< avoidance of any information of real substance about
Kubrick's work?
Like what for instance? The answers are in the movies if you care to
look . I'm not going to give you MY opinions. and I wasn't party to
Stanleys reasons for doing things a certain way or why. What kind of
information are you looking for?
Post by TobascoWhy not come clean about all the pathetic untruths in relation to EWS
and AI, rather than distracting our attention away from such important
issues with trivial tabloid anecdotes?
What untruths? I have always told the truth here, *that's why I am
here* BUT I am not going to tell people here, in this public forum,
things that are none of their business or that it would be
inappropraite for me to tell.
Post by TobascoOh, but we're not permitted to ask such questions, as if this
newsgroup had suddenly become some kind of cosy PR extension of the
Kubrick Estate.
ASk away, I don't have to answer. we're not in a police state yet.
This is HARDLY an extention of the estate you poor deluded man. and
cosy? here? In which life?
Well, I'm sorry, but these are the questions that most
Post by Tobasconeed to be asked, and if she refuses to cooperate or address them,
then her presence here is purely decorative. And mis-leading.
Decorative? gee thanks. Mis-leading? No. What would be the point in
That is
Post by Tobascothe hard truth, and no amount of dumb, knee-jerk self-righteous
indignation directed at me by you or others will have any effect here,
except to further embarrass you.
You are quite right Padraig. I give up. Your vastly superior intellect
and experience and linguistic skill have wiped me out. You win. Bravo
dear boy.
I don't need this shit.
I shall go,since that's your desire. [I know i said I wouldn't.but
I've changed my mind.] Never more to darken your bleak horizon.
If there are any Amker's who wish to ask me questions directly and
are prepared to read my idiotic flakey unhelpful answers, I am willing
to do so. I might not always be able to answer right away, or answer
at all as I might not know the answers.
So long Padraig, hope I never meet you.
Post by TobascoYou really don't like me very much, do you Padraig?
I don't know you on a personal basis, so your question here is
entirely academic. But I do know that you are familiar with my posts
here over the years, as I am with your contributions. Taking you to
task on a number of serious issues needing to be addressed about
Kubrick's work, something you clearly have no real interest in, has
absolutely no bearing on liking or disliking anyone (and even if it
did, is "tough love" such a totally alien concept to you?), so with
attempts to personalise this increasingly bizarre and unnecessary
discussion now discounted from the outset, I'll proceed.
Post by TobascoAPart from my leg pulling quip about your post regarding Darins
birthday, I have never to my knowledge been anything other than
pleasant towards you and have told you how much I valued your posts
and that you had my vote.
Yes. But are you thereby implying that such pleasantries preclude me
from asking the questions that I have raised, the criticisms I have
offered? That I have no right of reply to perceived and actual
insults? That being pleasant takes mutually exclusive precedence over
hard questions and legitimate criticism? That we have "an
understanding"? I don't play that little game, and neither should you.
Post by TobascoI cannot tell you what a distinctly odd feeling it is knowing that
somewhere in Ireland, there is a man,whom I have never met, who hates
me. You were kindly enough disposed towards me when I was posting how
beautiful your country is and how much I enjoyed being there.
What has any of this to do with my questions? [And when did I state
that I "hated" you? You're taking all of this much too personally;
hasn't anyone ever criticised you? Or is all criticism unworthy,
however legitimate?).
Post by TobascoIs your disappointment in my lack of intellectual prowess, and
willingness to answer any and all questions in depth, to your
satisfaction, grounds enough to vilify me to such an extent?
Aren't you being a wee bit one-sided here? Aren't you suddenly
forgetting your own efforts in that realm? Again, can't you address
the wider questions rather than repeatedly taking refuge in the
personal subjective?
Post by Tobasco<And BTW, Katharina, an apology to this newsgroup (and everything it
stands for) >would< help get you out of the rut you now find yourself in
here. Fat chance.>
She has treated with self-serving contempt
Have I? How am I self-serving. What on earth do you suppose I have to
gain from being here? I am contemptuous on no-one. It is not in my
nature. People upset me, make me cry even, [not you btw] but contempt
towards others hardly ever.
[so we'll therefore turn a blind eye to what you have written in this
Post by Tobascowhat this newsgroup has
always stood for, preferring to indulge in irrelevant smalltalk
nonsense (loathed by Kubrick)
As far as I can see there has always been a fair amount of "small
talk" going on here.
Sure, and it has now become an aggressively-defended crusade. Is there
nothing you take seriously any more, then?
Post by TobascoGee I thought this was supposed to be fun!
Whoever told you that? Can't you have some real fun answering these
questions genuinely?
Post by TobascoOr is
fun not allowed anymore in Padraigs world?
I didn't see much of it in Kubrick's world either, when dealing with
such questions.
Post by Tobascoand YOU WERE ALWAYS at our
table listening to our conversations were you. You "KNOW" Stanley that
well eh? Good for you. Why don't you answer all the bloody questions
then? How you have the audacity to tell me what Stanley did didn't
loathe is quite staggering.
Well, Kubrick's attitude on that subject is widely documented,
Katharina. Are you now officially denying that he ever expressed such
a view? That's news.
Again, you behave as though you presume to know everything about your
step-father and the Kubrick Estate; so why do you just feed us
adolescent fanzine material? Who are you "protecting", exactly?
Certainly not Kubrick's artistic legacy ...
Post by Tobascoand stupid, ill-considered "LOL" asides
as though this newsgroup were some kind of adolescent chat room/dating
agency, always playing the pompous "Kubrick's daughter"
WEll I *am* "Kubrick's daughter"
Step-daughter, if we wish to be pedantic and factual. You continually
use it as leverage - as you are again doing repeatedly in this post .
Post by TobascoI'm not playing at it. honest. I also
am the least pompous person you are ever likely to meet.I know you
don't see it that way but I cannot help how you feel towards me.
Why do you continually draw attention to your social status, then? Or
don't you even know the meaning of "pompous"?
Post by Tobascocard to sweep
aside all criticism while attempting to - as of now - ostracise anyone
who questions her attitudes and behaviour, in the full knowledge that
she can always rely on the newsgroup fanzine lapdogs for "support".
Criticize away, you are entitled to your opinion,even if it's wrong.
There are people who are supportive of my being here, it's very nice.
I have no control over what other people choose to say about me. It's
nice to be liked. Is that such a fatuous sentiment?
Well, its not very Kubrickian, is it? And you would actually be better
liked - in the Kubrickian sense, of course - if your need to be liked
was a little more subtle.
Post by TobascoUnforgivable.
Why? What earthly reason do you have for despising me to such an
Because you're continuing to evade all the important questions. After
all, if you're Kubrick's daughter, as you like to point out, surely
you are in a position to comment on these issues? Rather than
vilifying anyone who dares to ask about them?
Post by TobascoIf she's really so genuinely and sincerely interested in being
"helpful" to posters here, then why her outrageous passive-aggressive
outburst directed at me
It wasn't an outburst. You want outburst? I can give you an ouburst if
you like, but you wouldn't like it and I wouldn't lower myself. I
didn't read the whole sad darin Sean thing. I could care less why you
were all fighting.
Well, you are fighting now, Katharina, and if you couldn't care less
about the underlying catalyst for this present dispute, how can I take
what you say in any way seriously?
Post by Tobasco- who has been posting here since long before
her arrival -
You think maybe I should have asked your permission to join first?
Should I have taken an exam as to my qualifications?
Your rhetoric here is unbecoming of someone reluctant to "lower"
herself, so I'll assume its an attempt at humour instead :-). [though
your idea of AMKers taking an exam to gain admission to The House,
rather than simply parroting the password, sounds intriguing ...]
Post by Tobasco(particularly her pathetic Glenna reference and
offensive "the usenet hot aired paper tigers") when I pointed out a
serious and misguided flaw in her lazy "air-head" reasoning?
I'm an air-head in your opinion. Fine. Nothing I can do about that. I
was embarressed that I became embroiled in a war of words with Glenna.
I was going through some very difficult and painful stuff in my own
life and I lost it for a while. I'm amazed I'm even attempting to
reason with you, as you are dead set against me for some reason.
Again, why the personal paranoia? Don't you think that when someone is
insulted (as above), that a response in kind is sometimes reasonable?
Or have you special diplomatic immunity, given your social status and
Post by TobascoWhy did she have her FAQ on the Kubrick Site suddenly removed without
even bothering to condescend to an offer of any explanation to posters
I don't have to ask anyones permission or explain why I do anything
esp with MY faq! Dear sweet Rod Munday, who put it together through
considerable effort on his part , understood completely my decision to
take it down.
And I understood the reasons for that decision too, Katharina, just in
case you still believe the circumstances surrounding its removal are
some kind of precious secret. But that was not my question: it was why
your FAQ silently disappeared without >any< comment whatsoever here or
elsewhere, while all the supposed "fan" element at AMK never even
bothered to notice or comment either. Does this not tell you something
about the currency, about the public status of smalltalk? And we
might therefore reasonably ask, why did you put it up in the first
place? But of course you don't have to ask anyone's permission or
explain why you do anything, right? Talk about evasion! It's all just
such "fun" anyway, isn't it? Let's just have plenty more "fun", okay?
And "explain" nothing about anything, right?
I do hope you realise just how ridiculously condescending, offensive,
and disturbingly anti-intellectual such a "keep them ignorant" stance
that actually can be interpreted as (or was) on a newsgroup such as
this (though not anymore, obviously, given that the herd of lunatics
here now fully support and wallow in such anti-social nonsense).
Floyd's "I'm not at liberty to discuss this" springs to mind.
Post by TobascoBut if I am such a nit-wit and my anwers are so trivial why in gods
name do you give a toss?
I do give a toss; its many of the other posters here who don't, or
haven't you noticed? First, you're well capable of much more than such
trivia. Second, as we can now clearly see, an exclusive preoccupation
with trivial non-matters creates a dumbed-down insulated milieu [of,
among other things, hopelessly vacuous celebrity deification] in such
a way that when anyone attempts to re-introduce serious discussion or
discourse, all hell breaks loose ... or did you miss Michael Moore's
Oscar-acceptance speech :-)?
Post by TobascoDo my Usenet manners need polishing or something?
Why the >total< avoidance of any information of real substance about
Kubrick's work?
Like what for instance? The answers are in the movies if you care to
look .
Should I just dismiss you for seemingly acting like an evasive twat
here? Don't you know anything about film cultural research? Do you
even care anymore? Its dumb, insensitive answers like that which
serve to further legitimise the widely-reported opinions of such
self-serving, hatchet -job professionals as Baxter and Raphael,
Katharina (as well as serving to overwhelmingly contradict your stated
reasons for posting here; and maybe if you cared to take a hard look
at Kubrick's films you might also begin to think twice about some of
the asshole posters with whom you like to practice your version of
"fun" at AMK). There is actually an enormous community of critics,
researchers, scholars, film-makers and others with serious interest in
such matters, not that the Kubrick Estate appears to give a damn at
this juncture, as you well know. But of course, telling us what
Kubrick eats for breakfast is crucial to an informed and
Kubrick-Estate-approved understanding of the motivations underpinning
young Redmond Barry's table manners ... and I hear Hello Magazine has
a vacancy for a celebrity-diet photographer ...
Post by TobascoI'm not going to give you MY opinions. and I wasn't party to
Stanleys reasons for doing things a certain way or why. What kind of
information are you looking for?
Why not come clean about all the pathetic untruths in relation to EWS
and AI, rather than distracting our attention away from such important
issues with trivial tabloid anecdotes?
What untruths? I have always told the truth here, *that's why I am
here* BUT I am not going to tell people here, in this public forum,
things that are none of their business or that it would be
inappropraite for me to tell.
Why is it "inappropriate" to talk about these things, Katharina? And
it is very much our business, thank you very much, and I do take
offense at such a ridiculous evasion. That you see no thorny moral
dilemmas, no serious artistic problems, no wider implications for
cultural production surrounding the making of those films [issues
which were discussed at great length at AMK on numerous threads at the
time], preferring to see them just as "business as usual" is hardly
being entirely truthful, Katharina, unless of course you genuinely
don't know anything about these "things" that are "none of our
business" and would be "inappropriate for you to tell," in which case
why not just say so? It is these "things" that most matter, Katharina,
not "correcting" what some AMK retard thinks of Kubrick's personal
Post by TobascoOh, but we're not permitted to ask such questions, as if this
newsgroup had suddenly become some kind of cosy PR extension of the
Kubrick Estate.
ASk away, I don't have to answer. we're not in a police state yet.
You're certainly very policing, very police-state protective about the
above questions, which are a genuine public issue, these films being
in the public domain, and the public being fed transparently
misleading information about key aspects of their making which is at
best hilarious and at worst completely destroys the artistic
credibility of those films. The myths about Kubrick's personal life
are as nothing compared to people fucking with his artistic legacy.
Shouldn't that be your real interest and concern here?
And why the big hangup about some writers dismissing Kubrick as
"sexist", as a "loon" etc, etc; this happens to all film-makers [not
to mention AMK posters] - just look at the dumb, ignorant insults some
posters here are spewing out against Danish film-maker Lars Von Trier,
and the guy a feminist, for Christ's sake!
Post by TobascoThis is HARDLY an extention of the estate you poor deluded man. and
cosy? here? In which life?
It is your own assumptions about posters here that are somewhat
deluded, Katharina.
Post by TobascoWell, I'm sorry, but these are the questions that most
need to be asked, and if she refuses to cooperate or address them,
then her presence here is purely decorative. And mis-leading.
Decorative? gee thanks. Mis-leading? No. What would be the point in
The "point" is explained above.
Post by TobascoThat is
the hard truth, and no amount of dumb, knee-jerk self-righteous
indignation directed at me by you or others will have any effect here,
except to further embarrass you.
You are quite right Padraig. I give up. Your vastly superior intellect
and experience and linguistic skill have wiped me out. You win. Bravo
dear boy.
I don't need this shit.
What shit, Katharina? Would it be anything like the shit ("I never
knew they stacked shit that high!") that I've been repeatedly
subjected to here by a rabble of AMK's shit-loving losers? You'd like
to experience some of that sometime, maybe? Until then, you really
don't know what shit is ...
Post by TobascoI shall go,since that's your desire. [I know i said I wouldn't.but
I've changed my mind.] Never more to darken your bleak horizon.
No, that is far from my desire [personalising again, Katharina], I
only would like, if at all realistically possible, for you to address
some of the above urgent questions instead of continuing to treat the
members of this newsgroup like ignorant little children, like obedient
house pets.
Post by TobascoIf there are any Amker's who wish to ask me questions directly and
are prepared to read my idiotic flakey unhelpful answers, I am willing
to do so. I might not always be able to answer right away, or answer
at all as I might not know the answers.
So long Padraig, hope I never meet you.
That is not something I would wish on anyone, Katharina. Perhaps
you've taken to heart the sentiments of too many of the recent hate
posts here from the aforementioned barking AMK loonies?