Vivian Has The Sexiest Voice Ever!
(too old to reply)
2015-04-13 00:05:48 UTC
Keeper of Mysteries.
2015-04-21 05:46:05 UTC
Vivian Tweets about the truth of wikipedia

Don Stockbauer
2015-04-21 22:09:34 UTC
Vivian's tweet has been removed.
2015-04-21 22:36:23 UTC
Wow! Funny, I just looked at it again 2 hours ago and it was there. The long arm of wikipedia. Did you already get to read it? It talked about The Wikipedia founder being a porn king and how Wikipedia is a scam. I will check again in case the link l just changed
2015-04-21 22:39:39 UTC
It just worked from twitter. http://www.naturalnews.com/049422_Jimmy_Wales_Wikipedia_porn_king.html

I know it worked too from here when I first posted it.
2015-04-21 22:41:30 UTC
It's working now. Srsly wikipedia is a Orwellian tool.
2015-04-21 22:43:27 UTC
If it doesn't work try copy pasting. You were right though, it wasn't working. Maybe it was a transient in the system. Replace it and see if it fails.
2015-04-21 22:58:03 UTC
Here's the Article in case it vanishes again:

NaturalNews) It is astonishing that the Wikipedia website smears so many thousands of people with false, defamatory information -- celebrities, authors, activists, scientists, journalists and so on -- yet almost no one has published the dubious history of its co-founder, Jimmy Wales.

As part of the background investigation into the Wikipedia smear machine, Natural News has uncovered some truly shocking details about Jimmy Wales and his very questionable character. It turns out that before launching Wikipedia and structuring it as an online defamation engine to defame and slander people he didn't like, Jimmy Wales ran a porn network called Bomis, which sold membership access to pornography.

Wales has apparently gone to great lengths to try to bury what you're about to read here, engaging in some rather dubious revisionist history activities that call into question his personal integrity. The mainstream media, predictably, has gladly colluded in a cover-up of Jimmy Wales' real past by running puff pieces glorifying the man while flatly refusing to conduct any real investigation into his real past. (This is how the media operates today: no real journalism takes place at all.)

If every source listed here is to be believed, Jimmy Wales traded Wikipedia edits for sex by exploiting his editorial position over a female editor, ordered the intimidation and harassment of Wikipedia editors who attempted to maintain a truly "neutral point of view" about Jimmy Wales himself, and exploited his position within the Wikimedia Foundation to attempt to bury details about his own past.

When the truth about Wales' sleazy business activities surfaces from time to time, Wales seems to exploit his control over Wikipedia to delete the information from his own page -- a privilege he absolutely refuses to extend to anyone else so that they might remove negative information from their own namesake pages. Wales sees himself as "King" and everyone else as "Subjects" to be raked over the coals with defamatory content posted by anonymous trolls posing as "editors."

Wikipedia, in other words, has become Jimmy Wales' own private Ministry of Truth where he launches Orwellian-style defamation campaigns against targeted enemies while censoring anyone who attempts to report the truth about himself. It's no coincidence that every person or publication which has spoken out against Jimmy Wales has been viciously slandered on Wikipedia.

So much for unbiased ..."

There are also examples of his porn

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/049422_Jimmy_Wales_Wikipedia_porn_king.html#ixzz3XzGYSGbb
2015-04-21 23:04:50 UTC
I see what was wrong. Somehow a "w" got added to the first link. But I know it worked originally.

maybe the big "W" was added by a wikipedia bot.
2015-04-21 23:07:40 UTC
"Jimmy Wales got his start with a porn site

As the following screen capture from Jimmy Wales' "Bomis" venture shows, Wales was making money by selling access to porn:

"Here's another screen shot of "Bomis Premium" in which Jimmy Wales offered 3 days of access to porn for just $2.95!"

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/049422_Jimmy_Wales_Wikipedia_porn_king.html#ixzz3XzJobVKB
2015-04-21 23:12:36 UTC
I did a search on Reddit and here is someone defending "Jimmy" telling people not to boycott. See the comments

2015-04-22 02:03:30 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
I did a search on Reddit and here is someone defending "Jimmy" telling people not to boycott. See the comments
I read that article Vivian linked, and watched the video, which were more of an attack on the founder than the site itself. That said, Wikipedia articles about subjective/political/religious/controversial subjects have always been slanted due to the agenda of the articles' writers; they turn said articles into mission statements. Wikipedia's best used for a reference on subjects that don't require popular opinions or value judgements, where factual inaccuracies are easily weeded out by the editors. It's an amazing resource, overall.


Don Stockbauer
2015-04-22 02:22:39 UTC
Ok, I will read up on this, it will be a little while though.
Don Stockbauer
2015-04-22 02:26:12 UTC
And I agree with Steve concerning wiki.
2015-04-22 03:19:36 UTC
I agree that wikipedia can be, great reference. I use it all the time. If however, as the article warns the reference can be slanted and lobbied, it could be very dangerous if history is rewritten.
2015-04-22 03:39:42 UTC
So many topics involve opinions that have political weight. Both sides need to have their say for balanced articles. If Jimmy is a hanky panky and corrupt fellow then he needs to get out of the picture and Wikipedia needs to get neutral.
Don Stockbauer
2015-04-22 06:17:47 UTC
Well, he has only himself to blame, as easy as it is to expose someone who did what he did.
2016-07-26 16:39:15 UTC
Post by Don Stockbauer
And I agree with Steve concerning wiki.
You agree with Steve. I agree with Mike Jackson that that BABABOOIE on to Reddit and let's celebrate the 26th of July by by cyber-smooching Bullock and Mirren, "how 'bout that?"
Don Stockbauer
2016-07-27 04:31:44 UTC
Are you going to observe the grazing occultation of Aldebaran, Moop Moop Pooper Scooper Moop?
2016-10-25 23:15:54 UTC
Post by Don Stockbauer
Are you going to observe the grazing occultation of Aldebaran, Moop Moop Pooper Scooper Moop?
This Filbert has no Pistachioe.
Don Stockbauer
2016-10-26 01:47:07 UTC
This post no plutonium.
2016-11-04 20:02:35 UTC
Post by Don Stockbauer
This post no plutonium.
"Only around people."
Don Stockbauer
2016-11-05 07:05:49 UTC
"My wife is so bow-legged, when she sits around the house she REALLY sits around the house."
2016-12-22 22:59:01 UTC
Post by Don Stockbauer
"My wife is so bow-legged, when she sits around the house she REALLY sits around the house."
TO YOUR WIFE, HUZZAH, SALUD, HAPPY FESTIVUS 5777.whatever and as for you, {I didn't get a harumpff out of this Guy or Tony Ortega, for that Matter}
Don Stockbauer
2016-12-22 23:49:38 UTC
Merry X-rated Mass, Mr. Micky Moop, long time no hear from.

2016-04-23 19:53:33 UTC
At the 1999 Eyes Wide Shut premiere. In the long blue gown, between Debi
Mazar and Maxwell. Looks like she was going through the pre-Raphaelite
(sp?) craze Madonna popularized back then.
Wow! Is that really Vivian?? I'll have to say I'm not totally
convinced, but of course we all change so much. If that's her I'm
really glad she's kept in such fantastic shape. I last saw her when
she was about 20 or 21, and in this picture she would be about 39 or
so ... Her hair was nothing like that in 1980! (surprise,
surprise!), but her face is certainly v similar ... Umm. ummm.
[[Cant say what I really feel ... truth is IWRLTMUWHA]]
Gordon S
There are several still shots in ALiP that include the woman who resembles
the picture at that link so I assume it must be her Gordon. Though given the
raging hormone level around here I sure hope no one discovers poor Viv's
address or hang outs and posts it.
I mean, thinking hubba-hubba is one thing, but geez to some of you guys, at
least pretend yer momma taught you how to behave to a lady should you meet
her on the street huh?
Mike Jackson
Mental Pictures Photography & Graphic Design
(228) 696-2702 Phone/ Fax
(228) 918-4596 Cellular
come back, come back to the waterhole, brother Droogson. As for V. as for Emilio, as for the sexy barking dogs, as for second-hand beds, exhibitions every-witch-way but the Grand Concourse, it is now now now clear as an unmuddied lake of crimson and clover.
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