(too old to reply)
2015-12-26 20:08:24 UTC
A blue ladies cashmere sweater has been found---
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Mark Oates
"a blue, ladies cashmere sweater has been found in the restroom. It can be claimed at the manager's desk."

The babysitter was in the restroom during Floyds call to Vivian. Was this a dual restroom message? Like those poo pouri commercials?

Floyd decides he has to poop just after.
Jan Bielawski
2015-12-26 21:58:52 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
A blue ladies cashmere sweater has been found---
Sorry, wrong announcement.
Until further notice, the Meta FAQ for the AMK Newsgroup will be located at
You can go to either address. There is a link to each document on the bottom of
both documents.
The Kubrick Site will be offline until further notice.
Mark Oates
"a blue, ladies cashmere sweater has been found in the restroom. It can be claimed at the manager's desk."
The babysitter was in the restroom during Floyds call to Vivian. Was this a dual restroom message? Like those poo pouri commercials?
Floyd decides he has to poop just after.
"Will Mr. Travers please call the MET office already! Good grief."

2015-12-26 22:06:38 UTC
Toileting Poo Pouri

2015-12-27 09:36:58 UTC
I've reserved a table for you
in the Earthlight Room.
It's been about seven or eight months
since you were here last, isn't it?
Let's see. Yeah, about eight months.
I suppose you saw the work on
the new section when you came in here?
-Yes, coming along great, huh?
-Yeah, it's fine.
Oh, wait a minute!
I've got a few calls to make.
I'll meet you in the restaurant.
Will Mr, Travers please contact
the Met Office?
Will Mr, Travers please contact
the Met Office?
-How are you, squirt?
-All right,
What are you doin'?
Where's Mommy?
Gone to shopping,
-Well, who's taking care of ya?
May I speak to Rachel, please?
She's gone to the bathroom,
Are you coming to my party tomorrow?
I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I can't.
Why not?
Well, you know, Daddy's traveling.
Very sorry about it, but I just can't!
I'm gonna send you
a very nice present, though.
All right,
-Anything special that you want?
- Yes,
A telephone,
We've got lots of telephones already.
Can't you think of anything else
you want for your birthday?
Something very special?
- Yes,
A bush baby,
A bush baby?
Well, we'll have to see about that.
I want you to tell Mommy
something for me.
-Will you remember?
- Yes,
Well, tell Mommy that I telephoned. Okay?
And that I'll try
to telephone again tomorrow.
Now, will you tell her that?
Don Stockbauer
2015-12-28 15:17:57 UTC
Let's see the dialog of the entire movie.
Don Stockbauer
2015-12-28 18:48:12 UTC
The Usenet servers should have enough room for it.
