Post by kelpzoidzlIm not a believer in the "24 minutes cut" theory Alex was babbling about.
Davis mistakenly said there was a longer European cut of EWS—which is exactly the same cut, but without the motion-tracked CGI caped figures obscuring orgy "action." There were only four months between SK's death and the release of EWS, but there are signs what we saw was not a final cut (the reflection of the film crew in bathroom chrome, the more revealing Alice/Bill mirror shot...hard-matted theatrically, but cropped for home video).
I've never assumed there would be a significantly longer cut of EWS, but SK would have kept editing late into post, as he was known to do. It is interesting that SK died before the MPAA rated EWS harder than "R", and SK knowing that the voyeuristic intent of those orgy tracking shots couldn't be whittled-down.
Also, Frederick Raphael would have moaned about 24-minutes-worth of lost scenes in, "Eyes Wide Open"; which was published three months after EWS' release.
Post by kelpzoidzlHe seems to be taking too much of his supplements......maybe "Caveman"
I don't watch much of Alex Jones, beyond trying to keep track of the supposed Kubrick "bombshell" he's been teasing since *running into* Vivian in Texas. The burgeoning, "SK was psychic," revelation Jones has been suggesting is complete bullshit.
Ultimately, there's so many CIA connections in Hollywood, then Hollywood connections to Scientology, then so much of Scientology connected to high-level government spying, it's like the nested layers of a Matryoshka doll.