Gore Verbinski made a masterpiece..."A Cure for Wellness"
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2017-06-03 07:00:49 UTC
Any spoilers would be bad. Best new film in a while. Very original. AWESOME.

2 hrs and 25 minutes. I bought it on Amazon Video. What a surprise.

Amazing the film isn't well known. Word of mouth should carry it to a profit eventually.

The actress who played the young heroine in Von Triers Nymphomaniac 2 and some top notch acting, writing, settings and cinematography. A twisting, winding, thriller, scary, big scale artsy masterpiece.
2017-06-03 07:33:04 UTC
I get the feeling, the tiitle is responsible for it being virtually unknown. The title makes it sound like a run of the mill documentary, alternative medicine film, Budget over 40 million and made less then 9 million box office so far, probably due to the title.
2017-06-03 13:40:12 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Amazing the film isn't well known. Word of mouth should carry it to a profit eventually.
How could a darker, slower-paced movie like this catch on when it seems every month superhero/CGI garbage is getting over 90% on Rotten Tomatoes? As you mentioned, streaming services do rescue the box office fallout from what used to be a celluloid oblivion.


2017-06-03 18:35:36 UTC
Luckily, boxoffice for the mega superheroes is waning.
2017-06-04 02:47:44 UTC
Apparently the 8+ miliion it made was only USA, the world gross 26million, but still a financial disaster, at least short term.

There are some scenes reminiscent of ACO, overall it reminded me of Polanski, especially Ninth Gate. It has a similar mood of Soylent Green, including a musical interlude from the end of Soylent Green. There is also over the top extended set pieces reminscent of Cimino The HP Lovecraft connection is obvious..
2017-06-04 02:59:15 UTC
After watching it a second time, I think it needs a sequel to continue the story. I want more of it, but chances are any sequel to it would ihave to revolve around European eel farming and a total collapse of society.
2017-06-04 02:50:43 UTC
Besides Lovecraft, it reminds of the classic Frankenstein and Dracula