"I didn't have to play it. I was Lolita."
(too old to reply)
2013-03-19 04:15:38 UTC


"Weld was Kubrick's first choice for Lolita, but she turned him down,
later claiming "I didn't have to play it. I was Lolita."

Weld is as famous for what she could have been as for what she was. In
addition to Lolita, Weld was first choice for the lead female parts in
Bonnie and Clyde, Rosemary's Baby, Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice,
Cactus Flower, and True Grit, turning them all down. Critics at the
time accused her of exercising poor judgment, but according to Weld
herself, the real reason for her choices was more complicated.

"Do you think I want a success?" she said in a '71 New York Times
interview. "I refused Bonnie and Clyde because I was nursing at the
time, but also because deep down I knew it was going to be a huge
success. The same was true of Bob and Carol and Fred and Sue or
whatever it was called. It reeked of success."

Despite her pinup origins, Weld has shown herself to be one of the
most singular film acting talents of the last 50 years. According to
critic David Ehrenstein, "Tuesday Weld's genius is that she never
seems to be acting. She always looks like she is simply that way,
whether the film be…Sex Kittens Go to College, or (Sergio Leone's
epic) Once Upon a Time in America."
2013-03-19 23:45:55 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Excerpt: "Weld was Kubrick's first choice for Lolita, but she turned him down, > later claiming "I didn't have to play it. I was Lolita." Despite her pinup
origins, Weld has shown herself to be one of the most singular film acting
talents of the last 50 years. According to critic David Ehrenstein, "Tuesday
Weld's genius is that she never seems to be acting. She always looks like she
is simply that way, whether the film be…Sex Kittens Go to College, or (Sergio
Leone's epic) Once Upon a Time in America."
She was sublime as "Thalia Menninger" in "The Many Loves Of Dobie Gilles"...

William Ernest "But Over-Shadowed By Warren Beatty In Scenes Together" Reid
2013-03-20 00:20:44 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Excerpt: "Weld was Kubrick's first choice for Lolita, but she turned him down, > later claiming "I didn't have to play it. I was Lolita." Despite her pinup
origins, Weld has shown herself to be one of the most singular film acting
talents of the last 50 years. According to critic David Ehrenstein, "Tuesday
Weld's genius is that she never seems to be acting. She always looks like she
is simply that way, whether the film be…Sex Kittens Go to College, or (Sergio
Leone's epic) Once Upon a Time in America."
She was sublime as "Thalia Menninger" in "The Many Loves Of Dobie Gilles"...
William Ernest "But Over-Shadowed By Warren Beatty In Scenes Together" Reid
I dont think i've seen this Play it as it Lays. Not on any streaming
sites, nor Dvd on Amazon. I hope its on ebay.

As far as I remember she stole every scene she was ever ain, in any
film or TV. I need to rewatch her and there has to be an
autobiography/biography . Amazing she lived through it all. She
would have been dangerous in Lolita.

I fell in love with her in Soldiers in the Rain and Return to Peyton
Place, Dobie Gillis. Once upon a time in Amerca or anytime she was on
2013-03-20 00:57:09 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Excerpt: "Weld was Kubrick's first choice for Lolita, but she turned him down, > later claiming "I didn't have to play it. I was Lolita." Despite her pinup
origins, Weld has shown herself to be one of the most singular film acting
talents of the last 50 years. According to critic David Ehrenstein, "Tuesday
Weld's genius is that she never seems to be acting. She always looks like she
is simply that way, whether the film be…Sex Kittens Go to College, or (Sergio
Leone's epic) Once Upon a Time in America."
She was sublime as "Thalia Menninger" in "The Many Loves Of Dobie Gilles"...
William Ernest "But Over-Shadowed By Warren Beatty In Scenes Together" Reid
I dont think i've seen this Play it as it Lays.  Not on any streaming
sites, nor Dvd on Amazon.  I hope its on ebay.
As far as I remember she stole every scene she was ever ain, in any
film or TV.  I need to rewatch her and there has to be an
autobiography/biography .   Amazing she lived through it all.   She
would have been dangerous in Lolita.
I fell in love with her in Soldiers in the Rain and Return to Peyton
Place, Dobie Gillis. Once upon a time in Amerca or anytime she was on
A review on Amazon of a recent conspiracy theiry book says:

"One of the more fascinating chapters is Gorightly's interview with
societal outcast Jeff Turner. Turner may be an utter slob, as
Gorightly notes, but his mind is like a steel trap when it comes to
cult actress and Illuminati torchbearer Tuesday Weld and her alleged
"stranglehold on the 60's counterculture" so much so that John Lennon
referred to her as "stupid bloody Tuesday" in the Beatles tune "I Am
the Walrus." Needless to say, Turner told Gorightly that Weld (who
appeared in an utterly bizarre episode of Route 66 or is that 666?)
held a dark power over certain people and areas and that she was
linked up with Manson and crusading Satanists in the So.Cal area. She
is part of the powerful Weld family of New England and that one-time
Weld boyfriend, folk-pop singer Don McLean, exposed Weld and a lot of
sinister things in his epic 1971 hit "American Pie." Oh and Turner
claims Weld had Christopher Walken murder Natalie Wood off Catalina
Island. Oh, and this Turner character? He's obsessed with 80's teen-
pop sensation Tiffany. Yup!"
2013-03-20 01:47:52 UTC
On Mar 19, 5:57 pm, kelpzoidzl <***@gmail.com> wrote:

This gives my Sex Kittens go to College influence on Kubrick a new
meaning.....the so called Jeff Turner diaries...Tuesday Weld as High
Priestess of the Illuminati..?.Ruby Tuesday.... Who knew?

"Before there was a Timothy Leary advising the kids to “tune in, turn
on, and drop out” with LSD, there was a man named Al Hubbard, who by
1968 had been “employed by the Canadian Special Services, the US
Justice Department and, ironically, what is now the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms.” Documents obtained under the Freedom of
Information Act suggest Hubbard may have been involved in the infamous
MKULTRA project, the CIA’s mind control program, but no one is willing
to say how close he worked with it.

During the heyday of the program, “the CIA regularly dosed its agents
and associates with powerful hallucinogens… often with disastrous
results.” Hubbard got around with his huge cache of pure, powerful
LSD, allowing him to “expose over 6,000 people to LSD before it was
effectively banned in ’66.” His psychedelic mission had him dosing a
“Monsignor of the Catholic Church in North America,” tripping with “AA
founder Bill Wilson,” and tuning in with “Aldus (sic) Huxley.” He also
distributed his chemical agent into the offices of “Beverly Hills
psychiatrists, who, in turn, turned on actors Cary Grant, James
Coburn, Jack Nicholson, novelist Anais Nin, and filmmaker Stanley
Kubrick…” Presumably, Hubbard was working under the direction of High
Priestess Weld in distributing LSD to the cultural elite in order to
change society along Illuminati lines.

In Jeff Turner’s conspiracy cosmology, Tuesday Weld is the “High Queen
and Priestess of the Druids,” and the Druidic cult, surviving from pre-
Roman British and Irish civilization, is the top leadership of the
dreaded Illuminati. Some modern conspiracy researchers use the term to
refer to the shadowy networks of the power elite that have a heavy
hand in directing contemporary history through banking and business.
“Many conspiracy theorists believe the Illuminati… are the masterminds
behind events that will lead to the establishment of… a New World
Order” (Wikipedia). Turner relates that within the Illuminati
hierarchy, under the leadership of the Druid cult, the Rosicrucians
serve as the “research and development” branch, while the Freemasons
serve as the “rank and file” members of the world-spanning conspiracy
to control the planet.

The archetypal fragments of Turner’s mythology link into popular
underground culture, and through him into a conspiracy narrative of
cosmic proportions. It has been noted that the “wickedest man in the
world,” Aleister Crowley, had an influence on the sexual revolution of
the 60′s. A 1999 Scotsman article states
Millions of young people gradually became aware of Crowley’s lifestyle
and dictums and discovered that they struck familiar chords. He had
started the prototypical hippy commune in Sicily in the Twenties. He
had experimented cheerfully with all known drugs. His persistent
exhortation: “Do what though wilt shall be the whole of the law” bore
an uncanny resemblance to such mantras of the time as “do your own
thing”. To the hippy world this was clearly some kind of prophet.

At the time Queen Weld was purportedly transforming culture through
Druidic sex and drugs, the hippy generation was becoming aware of the
Great Beast’s philosophy: he was featured on the Beatles’ 1967
Sergeant Pepper’s album, Kenneth Anger was making underground
Crowleyan films, and a few years later Led Zeppelin recorded an album
in a house on the Loch Ness that Crowley once stayed in. Is it no
wonder that Crowley’s magickal roots were in a hermetic brotherhood,
that the Rosicrucians (the “Illuminati R&D section”) are described as
being a hermetic brotherhood, and one of Crowley’s mottoes was “we
have no need for virgin or pigeon, the method of science, the aim of

The “Weldians” were battling for the control of culture against what
Turner calls “the old secular right.” Even today, the battle lines can
be seen between globalists who would like to rule the world through
force, and those who would prefer to rule through consumer culture,
drugs, and entertainment. The hideous face of Nazism survived WWII and
the war crimes trials; some researchers, such as Dave Emory and the
late Mae Brussell, maintain that Nazi networks not only survived, but
flourished in the shadowy ties between government and both licit and
illicit business that some researchers call deep politics. The poet
and political scientist Peter Dale Scott coined the term, meaning “all
those political practices and arrangements, deliberate or not, which
are usually repressed rather than acknowledged.” Scott narrowed the
definition of deep politics to include another “manifestation”:
2013-03-21 00:11:33 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Post by kelpzoidzl
Excerpt: "Weld was Kubrick's first choice for Lolita, but she turned him down,
I dont think i've seen this Play it as it Lays. Not on any streaming sites,
nor Dvd on Amazon. I hope its on ebay.
Loser. I saw it in a movie theater (memba dem?) when it came out 85
years ago. I don't remember much about it, but I don't think there was
much to remember.
As far as I remember she stole every scene she was ever ain, in any film
or TV.
She was kind of like Lindsay Lohan that way, except that Lindsay steals
everything from every room she's in...
I need to rewatch her and there has to be an autobiography/biography .
What is this latter-day obsession with a starlet from twenty years before
disco? What brought all this on, anyway?
Amazing she lived through it all.
Yeah, she survived Bob Denver's BO and cloud of pot-smoke...
She would have been dangerous in Lolita.
She would have cut Kubrick?
I fell in love with her
Uh, did she ever file any restraining orders against you?

William Ernest "What, No Obsession With Penny Singleton?" Reid
2013-03-21 10:38:18 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Post by kelpzoidzl
Excerpt: "Weld was Kubrick's first choice for Lolita, but she turned him down,
I dont think i've seen this Play it as it Lays. Not on any streaming sites,
nor Dvd on Amazon. I hope its on ebay.
Loser.  I saw it in a movie theater (memba dem?) when it came out 85
years ago.  I don't remember much about it, but I don't think there was
much to remember.
I didn't see every movie with the word Lays in it.
The trailer looks interesting and and a maze scene.
As far as I remember she stole every scene she was ever ain, in any film
or TV.
She was kind of like Lindsay Lohan that way, except that Lindsay steals
everything from every room she's in...
I need to rewatch her and there has to be an autobiography/biography .
What is this latter-day obsession with a starlet from twenty years before
disco?  What brought all this on, anyway?
Because i'm curious about Kubrick's thinking as he was preparing
Lolita and his thinking about EWS and A I., Sex Kittens, in the
Monarch, butterfly collecting sense. Because Hollywood moguls taking
innocent youth/girls and turning them into box office gold and
screwing up their heads and lives. And because I had a Kubrick Eureka
moment after seeing Sex Kittens go to College for the first time and
Lolita for the 80th or so time the other night, after reading one to
many Kubrick wrong theories. Because I think Kubrick was the
greatest filmmaker and I like to understand his art. Because it's
fun? Because it's better to have eyes wide open about reality even
when the mundane world was always of little importance. Because of
creative impulse.

And because of coincidences in my own life pertaining to the 60's,
when I was a teen and early 20's various themes and growing up in
Hollywood, Laurel Canyon, The Valley and Beverly Hills. Because of my
first ex wife who's best friend as a kid was Porty Mason when Lolita
was in Production. Because of witnessing really really rich dumb
people from the old country. When uneducated peasants are multi
millionaires and own Banks and Drug Stores and city blocks in BH it
makes you wonder where the money came from When you keep finding a
"controlled area" in the hills on lookout mountain. It makes the eyes
start to open about the deviated preverts. Because my sisters were
molested by 2nd tier singing cowboy, who had far more money then he
should have. Because John Wayne. Because I saw Hitchcock every day
at lunch time and I never told him he was my hero. I dunno. When
people are raving they were molested and no one believes them and
assumes they are just insane or lying. Because Sharon Tate picked me
up when I was hitch hiking up Benedict Canyon. Because, my friends
dscovered the body of Hinman. Because a Buddhist friend's father (a
producer and his daughter) had introduced Kubrick to a Buddhist sect I
was part of. The same sect Clarke mentions regarding the monolith.
Because I finally realized that really strange chic on PCH that took
me to her grand parents under ground parking structure was a notorious
Manson girl. When you realize were you were when first were handed a
glass vial with a blue liquid and later find out were it really came

And for going through these things and rubbing shoulders with lunatics
and never being sucked in and being karmically immune to it. Always
being at the right place at the right time and being oblivious about
how I was cosmically protected, even when naive and stupid and

It's like when you find out most everyone is reallly dumber and more
corrupt then you ever wanted to believe. And art is the thing. When
you do penance in the backwards of hell and emerge renewed.
Amazing she lived through it all.
Yeah, she survived Bob Denver's BO and cloud of pot-smoke...
And being a Sexpot, Starlett. And surviving her mother and her
programming since age 9.
She would have been dangerous in Lolita.
She would have cut Kubrick?
If she imploded maybe, considering the pressure.
I fell in love with her
Uh, did she ever file any restraining orders against you?
Pure and chaste from afar. She would have been arrested i was 15.

Natalie Wood was my first love. Then Jean Simmons. Then Jane
Fonda. Tuesday Weld, Ann Margeret, All of them shoud have been
arrested for exciting barely pubescent minors.
William Ernest "What, No Obsession With Penny Singleton?" Reid
2013-03-29 13:47:18 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Post by kelpzoidzl
Weld was Kubrick's first choice for "Lolita"
I dont think i've seen this Play it as it Lays. Not on any streaming sites, >>> nor Dvd on Amazon. I hope its on ebay.
Loser.  I saw it in a movie theater (memba dem?) when it came out 85
years ago.  I don't remember much about it, but I don't think there was
much to remember.
I didn't see every movie with the word Lays in it.
That is just one more way in which you and I are very different people...
Post by kelpzoidzl
The trailer looks interesting and and a maze scene.
I vaguely remember Tuesday sort of breaking the fourth wall (right
into Wednesday)...
Post by kelpzoidzl
As far as I remember she stole every scene she was ever ain, in any film
or TV.
I just watched her in "Dobie Gilles" a few minutes ago, the episode
where she rejoins Dobie and Maynerd as a freshman in college...the joke
at the end was Dobie asks her for change for something, and she pulls up
her blouse to reveal a change belt and starts clicking out pennies
and dimes.

Hard to imagine any other actress pulling off that scene the way
she did, except ALL OF THEM!!!
Post by kelpzoidzl
What is this latter-day obsession with a starlet from twenty years before
disco?  What brought all this on, anyway?
Because i'm curious about Kubrick's thinking as he was preparing Lolita
That makes her less relevant to a Kubrick newsgroup than Harvey Keitel,
even less so than Martin Balsam...
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because I think Kubrick was the greatest filmmaker and I like to understand
his art. Because it's fun?
Because you get obsessed with irrelevant stuff like "Buffy The Vampire
Slayer" and post about it here endlessly? Because you may have a kind
of weird Asperger's related to young actresses?
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because of my first ex wife who's best friend as a kid was Porty Mason when
Lolita was in Production.
So what...my dentist's cousin's accountant once got Tom Cruise's autograph...
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because of witnessing really really rich dumb people from the old country.
You would have thought with all that Weld money Tuesday could have fixed
the gaps in her teeth...maybe she was from the snaggle-toothed hillbilly
branch of the family?
Post by kelpzoidzl
When uneducated peasants are multi millionaires and own Banks and Drug Stores > and city blocks in BH it makes you wonder where the money came from
"The kinfolk said 'Jed move away from there'"?
Post by kelpzoidzl
It makes the eyes start to open about the deviated preverts.
Oh, I've had my eye on you for a while now...
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because John Wayne.
They showed the episode of "Family Guy" last night where Peter Griffin
does his various John Wayne impressions, which always just about makes
me pee my pants laughing, so I guess "Family Guy" is now relevant to the
newsgroup (well, they did have many references to "Full Metal Jacket"
in the episode where Brian and Stewie join the army, but they deliberately
did not do a "Shining" spoof in the Stephen King episode, so I will only
post about "Family Guy" 300 times here instead of 600).
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because I saw Hitchcock every day at lunch time
And there was no food left for you so you almost starved?
Post by kelpzoidzl
and I never told him he was my hero.
Was he your hero because he had a weird creepy obsession with young
actresses that caused Grace Kelly to flee the country to get away from
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because Sharon Tate picked me up when I was hitch hiking up Benedict Canyon.
Morgan Fairchild once gave me directions to the on-ramp of the 405...
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because a Buddhist friend's father (a producer and his daughter) had
introduced Kubrick to a Buddhist sect I was part of.
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about the irrelevant and fictional
Kubrick-Buddhist thing you posted about obsessively...terrific...
Post by kelpzoidzl
Natalie Wood was my first love.
So...you're the one that killed her?
Post by kelpzoidzl
Then Jean Simmons. Then Jane Fonda. Tuesday Weld, Ann Margeret,
All of them shoud have been arrested for exciting barely pubescent minors.
I have to ask again, how did you miss out on Penny Singleton?

William Ernest "Rebecca Shaeffer Is Turning Over In Her Grave" Reid
2013-03-31 01:55:44 UTC
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Post by kelpzoidzl
Weld was Kubrick's first choice for "Lolita"
I dont think i've seen this Play it as it Lays. Not on any streaming sites, >>> nor Dvd on Amazon. I hope its on ebay.
Loser.  I saw it in a movie theater (memba dem?) when it came out 85
years ago.  I don't remember much about it, but I don't think there was
much to remember.
I didn't see every movie with the word Lays in it.
That is just one more way in which you and I are very different people...
I understand.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
The trailer looks interesting and and a maze scene.
I vaguely remember Tuesday sort of breaking the fourth wall (right
into Wednesday)...
Better putthat in Wikipedia
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
As far as I remember she stole every scene she was ever ain, in any film
or TV.
I just watched her in "Dobie Gilles" a few minutes ago, the episode
where she rejoins Dobie and Maynerd as a freshman in college...the joke
at the end was Dobie asks her for change for something, and she pulls up
her blouse to reveal a change belt and starts clicking out pennies
and dimes.
I remember that scene. Rewatching Dobie Gillis. Now that's
Post by h***@gmail.com
Hard to imagine any other actress pulling off that scene the way
she did, except ALL OF THEM!!!
Her talents Lay elsewhere.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
What is this latter-day obsession with a starlet from twenty years before
disco?  What brought all this on, anyway?
Because i'm curious about Kubrick's thinking as he was preparing Lolita
That makes her less relevant to a Kubrick newsgroup than Harvey Keitel,
even less so than Martin Balsam...
Doubtful. Srsly.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because I think Kubrick was the greatest filmmaker and I like to understand
his art. Because it's fun?
Because you get obsessed with irrelevant stuff like "Buffy The Vampire
Slayer" and post about it here endlessly?  Because you may have a kind
of weird Asperger's related to young actresses?
Leave Buffy alone. Dude, you're the guy that is obsessed with TV and
i'm sure my paltry Buffy mentions is far less then your years of sour
Buffy posts.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because of my first ex wife who's best friend as a kid was Porty Mason when
Lolita was in Production.
So what...my dentist's cousin's accountant once got Tom Cruise's autograph...
You aren't folliwing.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because of witnessing really really rich dumb people from the old country.
You would have thought with all that Weld money Tuesday could have fixed
the gaps in her teeth...maybe she was from the snaggle-toothed hillbilly
branch of the family?
That was her blue period.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
When uneducated peasants are multi millionaires and own Banks and Drug Stores > and city blocks in BH it makes you wonder where the money came from
"The kinfolk said 'Jed move away from there'"?
Post by kelpzoidzl
It makes the eyes start to open about the deviated preverts.
Oh, I've had my eye on you for a while now...
Then you are the prevert aren't you then?
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because John Wayne.
They showed the episode of "Family Guy" last night where Peter Griffin
does his various John Wayne impressions, which always just about makes
me pee my pants laughing, so I guess "Family Guy" is now relevant to the
newsgroup (well, they did have many references to "Full Metal Jacket"
in the episode where Brian and Stewie join the army, but they deliberately
did not do a "Shining" spoof in the Stephen King episode, so I will only
post about "Family Guy" 300 times here instead of 600).
Ya know I've never watched an episode of Family Guy.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because I saw Hitchcock every day at lunch time
And there was no food left for you so you almost starved?
Post by kelpzoidzl
and I never told him he was my hero.
Was he your hero because he had a weird creepy obsession with young
actresses that caused Grace Kelly to flee the country to get away from
I knew nothing of that and thats been refuted anyway. He might have
picked some crazy blondes, but who doesn't?
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because Sharon Tate picked me up when I was hitch hiking up Benedict Canyon.
Morgan Fairchild once gave me directions to the on-ramp of the 405...
Was she nekid from the waist down a lace top and high heels...on
acid? Dude, I was the stalked one.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because a Buddhist friend's father (a producer and his daughter) had
introduced Kubrick to a Buddhist sect I was part of.
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about the irrelevant and fictional
Kubrick-Buddhist thing you posted about obsessively...terrific...
Not irrelevant enough that Clarke mentioned it. My posts about that
were simply informational.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Natalie Wood was my first love.
So...you're the one that killed her?
Dude. Gypsy Rose Lee Wood was hot when she was young. You are
starting to sound like your friend Lebow(sp?)
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Then Jean Simmons. Then Jane Fonda. Tuesday Weld, Ann Margeret,
All of them shoud have been arrested for exciting barely pubescent minors.
I have to ask again, how did you miss out on Penny Singleton?
Way before my time. Are you saying that barely, pubescent minors
seeing Ann Margeret in Bye Bye Birdie and getting flumoxed by her were

Srsly was Kubrick more into Weld or Martin Basam in your ROOM 101
Post by h***@gmail.com
William Ernest "Rebecca Shaeffer Is Turning Over In Her Grave" ...SourPuss Reid
I had to look her up to remember that story. Salinger is the one
rolling in the grave.
2013-04-11 04:52:38 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Post by kelpzoidzl
Weld was Kubrick's first choice for "Lolita"
I dont think i've seen this Play it as it Lays. Not on any streaming sites, >>> nor Dvd on Amazon. I hope its on ebay.
Loser.  I saw it in a movie theater (memba dem?) when it came out 85
years ago.  I don't remember much about it, but I don't think there was
much to remember.
I didn't see every movie with the word Lays in it.
That is just one more way in which you and I are very different people...
I understand.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
The trailer looks interesting and and a maze scene.
I vaguely remember Tuesday sort of breaking the fourth wall (right
into Wednesday)...
Better putthat in Wikipedia
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
As far as I remember she stole every scene she was ever ain, in any film
or TV.
I just watched her in "Dobie Gilles" a few minutes ago, the episode
where she rejoins Dobie and Maynerd as a freshman in college...the joke
at the end was Dobie asks her for change for something, and she pulls up
her blouse to reveal a change belt and starts clicking out pennies
and dimes.
I remember that scene.  Rewatching Dobie Gillis.  Now that's
Post by h***@gmail.com
Hard to imagine any other actress pulling off that scene the way
she did, except ALL OF THEM!!!
Her talents Lay elsewhere.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
What is this latter-day obsession with a starlet from twenty years before
disco?  What brought all this on, anyway?
Because i'm curious about Kubrick's thinking as he was preparing Lolita
That makes her less relevant to a Kubrick newsgroup than Harvey Keitel,
even less so than Martin Balsam...
Doubtful.  Srsly.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because I think Kubrick was the greatest filmmaker and I like to understand
his art. Because it's fun?
Because you get obsessed with irrelevant stuff like "Buffy The Vampire
Slayer" and post about it here endlessly?  Because you may have a kind
of weird Asperger's related to young actresses?
Leave Buffy alone.  Dude, you're the guy that is obsessed with TV and
i'm sure my paltry Buffy mentions is far less then your years of sour
Buffy posts.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because of my first ex wife who's best friend as a kid was Porty Mason when
Lolita was in Production.
So what...my dentist's cousin's accountant once got Tom Cruise's autograph...
You aren't folliwing.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because of witnessing really really rich dumb people from the old country.
You would have thought with all that Weld money Tuesday could have fixed
the gaps in her teeth...maybe she was from the snaggle-toothed hillbilly
branch of the family?
That was her blue period.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
When uneducated peasants are multi millionaires and own Banks and Drug Stores > and city blocks in BH it makes you wonder where the money came from
"The kinfolk said 'Jed move away from there'"?
Post by kelpzoidzl
It makes the eyes start to open about the deviated preverts.
Oh, I've had my eye on you for a while now...
Then you are the prevert aren't you then?
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because John Wayne.
They showed the episode of "Family Guy" last night where Peter Griffin
does his various John Wayne impressions, which always just about makes
me pee my pants laughing, so I guess "Family Guy" is now relevant to the
newsgroup (well, they did have many references to "Full Metal Jacket"
in the episode where Brian and Stewie join the army, but they deliberately
did not do a "Shining" spoof in the Stephen King episode, so I will only
post about "Family Guy" 300 times here instead of 600).
Ya know I've never watched an episode of Family Guy.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because I saw Hitchcock every day at lunch time
And there was no food left for you so you almost starved?
Post by kelpzoidzl
and I never told him he was my hero.
Was he your hero because he had a weird creepy obsession with young
actresses that caused Grace Kelly to flee the country to get away from
I knew nothing of that and thats been refuted anyway.  He might have
picked some crazy blondes, but who doesn't?
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because Sharon Tate picked me up when I was hitch hiking up Benedict Canyon.
Morgan Fairchild once gave me directions to the on-ramp of the 405...
Was she nekid from the waist down a lace top and high heels...on
acid?  Dude, I was the stalked one.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because a Buddhist friend's father (a producer and his daughter) had
introduced Kubrick to a Buddhist sect I was part of.
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about the irrelevant and fictional
Kubrick-Buddhist thing you posted about obsessively...terrific...
Not irrelevant enough that Clarke mentioned it.  My posts about that
were simply informational.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Natalie Wood was my first love.
So...you're the one that killed her?
Dude.  Gypsy Rose Lee Wood was hot when she was young.  You are
starting to sound like your friend Lebow(sp?)
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Then Jean Simmons. Then Jane Fonda. Tuesday Weld, Ann Margeret,
All of them shoud have been arrested for exciting barely pubescent minors.
I have to ask again, how did you miss out on Penny Singleton?
Way before  my time.  Are you saying  that barely, pubescent minors
seeing Ann Margeret in Bye Bye Birdie and getting flumoxed by her were
Srsly was Kubrick more into Weld or Martin Basam in your ROOM 101
Post by h***@gmail.com
William Ernest "Rebecca Shaeffer Is Turning Over In Her Grave" ...SourPuss Reid
I had to look her up to remember that story.  Salinger is the one
rolling in the grave.
Theis person's youtube channel has some terrific old videos.

"Jane Fonda Tuesday Weld Anthony Perkins Rock Hudson David Selznick
Lauren Bacall Ben Gazzara Suzanne Pleshette Gladys Cooper Judy Garland
Polly Bergen Natalie Wood Dominick Dunne George Axelrod Stewart Stern
Elliot Kastner Serena Stewart Tom Tryon Tom Mankiewicz David O.
Selznick May 31, 1965. Silent home movies given to me personally by
Roddy McDowall."

2013-04-15 18:39:42 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Post by kelpzoidzl
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Post by kelpzoidzl
Weld was Kubrick's first choice for "Lolita"
I dont think i've seen this Play it as it Lays. Not on any streaming sites, >>> nor Dvd on Amazon. I hope its on ebay.
Loser.  I saw it in a movie theater (memba dem?) when it came out 85
years ago.  I don't remember much about it, but I don't think there was
much to remember.
I didn't see every movie with the word Lays in it.
That is just one more way in which you and I are very different people...
I understand.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
The trailer looks interesting and and a maze scene.
I vaguely remember Tuesday sort of breaking the fourth wall (right
into Wednesday)...
Better putthat in Wikipedia
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
As far as I remember she stole every scene she was ever ain, in any film
or TV.
I just watched her in "Dobie Gilles" a few minutes ago, the episode
where she rejoins Dobie and Maynerd as a freshman in college...the joke
at the end was Dobie asks her for change for something, and she pulls up
her blouse to reveal a change belt and starts clicking out pennies
and dimes.
I remember that scene.  Rewatching Dobie Gillis.  Now that's
Post by h***@gmail.com
Hard to imagine any other actress pulling off that scene the way
she did, except ALL OF THEM!!!
Her talents Lay elsewhere.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
What is this latter-day obsession with a starlet from twenty years before
disco?  What brought all this on, anyway?
Because i'm curious about Kubrick's thinking as he was preparing Lolita
That makes her less relevant to a Kubrick newsgroup than Harvey Keitel,
even less so than Martin Balsam...
Doubtful.  Srsly.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because I think Kubrick was the greatest filmmaker and I like to understand
his art. Because it's fun?
Because you get obsessed with irrelevant stuff like "Buffy The Vampire
Slayer" and post about it here endlessly?  Because you may have a kind
of weird Asperger's related to young actresses?
Leave Buffy alone.  Dude, you're the guy that is obsessed with TV and
i'm sure my paltry Buffy mentions is far less then your years of sour
Buffy posts.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because of my first ex wife who's best friend as a kid was Porty Mason when
Lolita was in Production.
So what...my dentist's cousin's accountant once got Tom Cruise's autograph...
You aren't folliwing.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because of witnessing really really rich dumb people from the old country.
You would have thought with all that Weld money Tuesday could have fixed
the gaps in her teeth...maybe she was from the snaggle-toothed hillbilly
branch of the family?
That was her blue period.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
When uneducated peasants are multi millionaires and own Banks and Drug Stores > and city blocks in BH it makes you wonder where the money came from
"The kinfolk said 'Jed move away from there'"?
Post by kelpzoidzl
It makes the eyes start to open about the deviated preverts.
Oh, I've had my eye on you for a while now...
Then you are the prevert aren't you then?
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because John Wayne.
They showed the episode of "Family Guy" last night where Peter Griffin
does his various John Wayne impressions, which always just about makes
me pee my pants laughing, so I guess "Family Guy" is now relevant to the
newsgroup (well, they did have many references to "Full Metal Jacket"
in the episode where Brian and Stewie join the army, but they deliberately
did not do a "Shining" spoof in the Stephen King episode, so I will only
post about "Family Guy" 300 times here instead of 600).
Ya know I've never watched an episode of Family Guy.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because I saw Hitchcock every day at lunch time
And there was no food left for you so you almost starved?
Post by kelpzoidzl
and I never told him he was my hero.
Was he your hero because he had a weird creepy obsession with young
actresses that caused Grace Kelly to flee the country to get away from
I knew nothing of that and thats been refuted anyway.  He might have
picked some crazy blondes, but who doesn't?
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because Sharon Tate picked me up when I was hitch hiking up Benedict Canyon.
Morgan Fairchild once gave me directions to the on-ramp of the 405...
Was she nekid from the waist down a lace top and high heels...on
acid?  Dude, I was the stalked one.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Because a Buddhist friend's father (a producer and his daughter) had
introduced Kubrick to a Buddhist sect I was part of.
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about the irrelevant and fictional
Kubrick-Buddhist thing you posted about obsessively...terrific...
Not irrelevant enough that Clarke mentioned it.  My posts about that
were simply informational.
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Natalie Wood was my first love.
So...you're the one that killed her?
Dude.  Gypsy Rose Lee Wood was hot when she was young.  You are
starting to sound like your friend Lebow(sp?)
Post by h***@gmail.com
Post by kelpzoidzl
Then Jean Simmons. Then Jane Fonda. Tuesday Weld, Ann Margeret,
All of them shoud have been arrested for exciting barely pubescent minors.
I have to ask again, how did you miss out on Penny Singleton?
Way before  my time.  Are you saying  that barely, pubescent minors
seeing Ann Margeret in Bye Bye Birdie and getting flumoxed by her were
Srsly was Kubrick more into Weld or Martin Basam in your ROOM 101
Post by h***@gmail.com
William Ernest "Rebecca Shaeffer Is Turning Over In Her Grave" ...SourPuss Reid
I had to look her up to remember that story.  Salinger is the one
rolling in the grave.
Theis person's youtube channel has some terrific old videos.
"Jane Fonda Tuesday Weld Anthony Perkins Rock Hudson David Selznick
Lauren Bacall Ben Gazzara Suzanne Pleshette Gladys Cooper Judy Garland
Polly Bergen Natalie Wood Dominick Dunne George Axelrod Stewart Stern
Elliot Kastner Serena Stewart Tom Tryon Tom Mankiewicz David O.
Selznick May 31, 1965. Silent home movies given to me personally by
Roddy McDowall."
Apparently, John Ireland, Crixus in Spartacus, was in the tabloids as
dating both Tuesday Weld and Sye Lyons, during the filming of
Spartacus, Ireland was 45, the young actresses were 16. Doubtful
this was unknown by Kubrick, as it was in the tabloids.

2015-04-15 20:22:28 UTC
Yes there are big differences, you poop backwards

2013-03-21 10:47:09 UTC
Another, more lurid Weld article. National Enquirer

2013-03-21 11:00:56 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Another, more lurid Weld article. National Enquirer
"The Weld family is an extended family of Boston Brahmins most
remembered for the philanthropy of its members. The Welds have many
connections to Harvard University, the Golden Age of Sail, the Far
East (especially Japan), the history of Massachusetts, and American
history in general.
William Weld, former Governor of Massachusetts, is the most prominent
living member of this family. When Massachusetts Senate president
Billy Bulger publicly teased William Weld about his ancestors' having
come over on the Mayflower, Weld joked: "Actually, they weren't on the
Mayflower. They sent the servants over first to get the cottage
ready." [1]
Tuesday Weld, an Academy Award nominated actress, is another famous
living family member. Many know of Tuesday Weld's film career and her
role on The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis. Fewer[citation needed] realize
that she is a member of one of New England's oldest and most famous
families and third cousin once removed to William Weld.
2013-03-21 11:38:52 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Post by kelpzoidzl
Another, more lurid Weld article. National Enquirer
"The Weld family is an extended family of Boston Brahmins most
remembered for the philanthropy of its members. The Welds have many
connections to Harvard University, the Golden Age of Sail, the Far
East (especially Japan), the history of Massachusetts, and American
history in general.
William Weld, former Governor of Massachusetts, is the most prominent
living member of this family. When Massachusetts Senate president
Billy Bulger publicly teased William Weld about his ancestors' having
come over on the Mayflower, Weld joked: "Actually, they weren't on the
Mayflower. They sent the servants over first to get the cottage
ready." [1]
Tuesday Weld, an Academy Award nominated actress, is another famous
living family member. Many know of Tuesday Weld's film career and her
role on The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis. Fewer[citation needed] realize
that she is a member of one of New England's oldest and most famous
families and third cousin once removed to William Weld.
Huge rabbit hole

2013-03-20 02:01:35 UTC
Dated Gary Lockwood?
2013-03-20 03:32:38 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Dated Gary Lockwood?
So here is the guy busted for stalking Alyssa Milano....the same guy
who was accused of stalking Tiffany and says Tuesday Weld is the
illuminati priestess.

These rabbit holes are ridiculous.
2013-03-20 05:34:42 UTC
No use googling this crap it's hopelessly mired in Ashbergers cults,
neo-nazis and tiffany stalkers