Lord Bullingdon wrote:
The old post is this:
I had to paste it in to this thread to "Fisk" it. (This also includes
I think that everybody here will agree that Dr. Bill Harford seems to
be a very repressed guy in Eyes Wide Shut...but to what extent, and
what is behind his repression?
Everything going fine up to here. Bill does seem to keep a lot to
himself. Damned introvert! Prolly why Alice is starting to get bored
with him, the self-centered prick.
I believe that Dr. Bill is a closeted homosexual,
You are a true believer! The main rebuttal/catchphrase from now on is
"Why does it have to be gay?"
that Kubrick had the intention of portraying him like that
(even if he didn't tell Cruise about it),
I'd give you that Kubrick toyed around with the idea, but I hardly
think closet gaiety is the central theme of EWS.
and I think that there are
many hints and reasons to prove this; some of these hints are obvious,
and some are very subtle. I will list them for you and then you can
I can ? Why thank you! The other you isn't so accommodating.
1) There are references in the movie to rainbows. We all know that
rainbow is the symbol of gay people. The "models" ask him to go
where the rainbow ends, he goes to Rainbow Fashions to get a costume.
I think we well enough covered the many colors of the rainbow. Does it
really mean just GAY?
2) When Milich comes to open the outside door of the shop to Dr. Bill,
there is a reflection of a neon sign, pointing directly to his crotch,
with the word "DINNER". Take another look at this scene and tell me
if I'm wrong.
That is there, and it's really a clever dirty joke. Milich has this
sort of "eat me" attitude after having been disturbed late by Dr. Dork.
I'd really like to hear Cruise comment on this. I'll bet it makes him
want to jump on a comfychair at least. I wonder if anybody has pointed
it out to him by now. I can imagine him thinking "fucker!" in regards
to Kubrick if he's noticed it. Could be that Kubrick was fucking with
Cruise for outbilling him on the ad campaign etcetera:
3) When the mysterious woman says that "You cannot fool them for much
longer, you don't belong here" to Dr. Bill during the orgy scene,
the correct interpretation of this dialogue may be that Dr. Bill was
not true about his own desires, unlike the other members of the orgy;
he wasn't part of the group because he was a closet case. And
therefore he is condemned to take off his mask and reveal his true self
to everybody.
Or it could be that he's just not a member of the secret society.
Again, why does it have to be gay?
4)Milich seemed surprised when Dr. Harford asked for a cloak and a
mask. He then asks if he doesn't want something more "colorful",
like officers and pirates. He seems to think that colorful costumes of
officers (sailors, maybe) are more fitting to Bill...
But gay people love to wear cloaks and masks don't they? Anyway, I
think just about any costume request at that late hour would have
evoked a look of surprise from Milich. Praps he's a little alarmed by
the menacing nature of a black cloak and mask. Maybe he thinks he has
a vigilante in his midst. Guy Fawkes or Zorro anyone? both flamboyant
chaps they... Maybe he's worried about aiding and abetting a possible
felon posing as a doctor of all things. Jack the Ripper? Dr. Mengele?
Gaiety does not seem to be a requirement in any event. Milich
suggesting something more colorful might be Milich projecting his own
taste on Bill. Maybe Milich is gay.
5)When Dr. Bill decides not to have sex with the hooker, He asks himself
"Do I have to go?" and then decides he indeed has to go. But actually,
he had just talked to his wife and she would not expect him back in the
next two hours or so, which means he had plenty of time to spend with
lack of real interest perhaps?
Oh right........ If there had been a lack of interest he would have
never talked to her to begin with let alone discussed a price and what
not. His conscience got to him after Alice unwittingly "catches him
redhanded" and that's the primary motivation for his leaving. A
secondary shove out the door lingers under the surface, as fate will
have it, with him not being the next "Domino" to fall. Alice kind of
saves Bill's life with her timely phone call, although I find it hard
to imagine a doctor not having heavily protected sex when it came to a
prostitute rendezvous (something like a latex plastic glove dipped in
bleach jelly).
6)When Dr. Bill is outrageously propositioned by the gay hotel clerk,
It was not an "outrageous proposition.' The clerk never said something
like, "Let's play gay truckdrivers and swap loads." Now THAT's an
outrageous proposition. He flirts with Bill rather obviously, but
there is no proposition.
his reaction is not of indignation or laughter, or even indifference,
which would be the normal reactions of a straight person.
I don't think a straight person's reaction is that exclusive and
predictable. What are you trying to do here? Create a stereotype?
He gets
actually nervous and paralized. When the clerk says "To be entirely
honest, he looked a little scared",
Um.... A lot of passive heteros get scared when flirted with by gay
people. in response to this conjecture, maybe Bill was afraid of
misleading the guy, and being the non-aggressive type, he couldn't just
rudely brush him off. More likely, and related to the visible plot,
Bill was just worried about Nick. It requires no homo
it is like he is speaking about
Bill at that moment, not about Nightingale.
How about both?
Closet cases are typically
scared when confronted by another gay person.
I'd agree with that I guess,(it sounds derived from some other movie),
but that doesn't necessarily make it the gist of this scene. Maybe the
clerk was probing (gotta love that diction!) Bill to see if he'd found
true love. Dr. Bill is a handsome guy. What gay hotel desk clerk
wouldn't jump at the slightest chance to teabag him? You never catch
any fish lest you don't cast a line here and there. Bill was
definitely not biting. Why does that necessarily make him a
7)Dr. Bill doesn't feel even slightly jealous of his wife, not even
when she says she danced with someone who tried to seduce her and
wanted to have sex with her upstairs in Ziegler's mansion.
Yeah, and taking Alice for granted like that gets him into a lot of
trouble with her. She forces jealousy on him. He is what the ladies
call a "fucking jerk."
from his reaction, he seemed excited by the idea ("just wanted to f__k
my wife?"). What kind of guy would have a wife like Nicole Kidman and
don't feel not even slightly jealous about her?
Maybe one with his eyes on a yet another newer model. Maybe an
introverted, conceited jerkoff too unimpassioned to give his trophy
wife any meaningful attention or devotion.
A gay one?
Possibly, but not exclusively.
8) It is also not clear if Dr. Bill gets angry or actually aroused by
imagining his wife having sex with the handsome sailor.This ambiguity
was actually detected by a few reviewers, including Ebert if I remember
And what makes that gay? This one doesn't seem to need dismantling.
9)Dr. Bill strolls around the mansion while the orgy is taking place.
Have you noticed that he decides to stop in front of a peculiar
threesome? The woman is laying on the back of a guy, who is on all
fours, and the third guy is f__ing this curious ensemble, doggie style.
Well if it were three guys, maybe you'd have something.
This scene is indeed peculiar, almost gay in its setting. Why do you
think Dr. Bill stopped to see it, and not the others?
He prolly thought, "Hmmm, what the hell is this? The beast with three
backs?" Even if the "doggie" guy was alternating between the "on all
fours" guy's poophole and the woman in either of her holes, it doesn't
mean you HAVE to be gay to watch it. I'm not sure what you'd call such
an arrangement, but it would be for mature audiences only I'm sure.
Heteros get curious too.
10) In the first and most revealing scene of the movie, Alice asks Bill if
she looks good, and he says "Yes, Honey" without even looking at her.
When she complains, he says that "you always look so beautiful". This
scene shows that Alice does not entices Dr. Bill's libido as one would
expect. He doesn't care much about his wife's appearance, but he
gets aroused when other men want f__k her...very typical of a closet
This is like a repeat of #8. Still don't see where it's part of the
absolute criteria for closet cases, if that criteria even exists.
11)When Dr. Bill is invited to have sex with the two gorgeous models in
Ziegler's party, instead of going at it eagerly, he asks "it depends
where that is", signaling he was not comfortable about
the idea.
Well this is flimsy. Here he is at a party with his wife somewhere
around, and Bill's not too comfortable with suddenly going off and
fucking two sexy women somewhere on the premises. Imagine that! Even
if he was a filthy unfaithful dog, which he is not inclined to be until
Alice puts the zap on him, he'd be extremely wary with the "old lady"
12)When Dr. Bill enters Ziegler's bathroom, he sees another gorgeous
woman completely naked, but he seems to ignore her beauty,
instead he acts as a "professional doctor", and talks to the hooker in
tones of voice one normally uses when talking to children.
Just like a doctor! This is a totally lousy point here Paulo!
13) While stoned, Alice demonstrates quite clearly that she does not
approve Bill's reactions towards her. "Why haven't you ever been
jealous about me?"
He's a real dickhead for not paying her the kind of attention she
needs. He doesn't even bother to fake jealousy. Still doesn't have to
be because he's gay....
When people are stoned, they have moments of truth,
It only takes Alice a little buzz to blow her top, yes. Do you think
Alice thinks Bill is a closet case? Answer that.
and I think Alice went to the heart of the problem...maybe she
intimately knows why her husband is indifferent to her. He "wears a
mask" while in the marital bed!
That and he always wants to do it "Brokeback"-style.... Sheeeeeesh.
I forgot to add the most obvious scene that shows that Bill is gay: the
gay bashing scene.
"Go back to S.F. where you belong, man"
A bunch of drunk and rowdy college punks are suddenly experts in
I think that's one interpretation of it. There are certainly pointers in
that direction, not least the casting of Cruise himself.
Sounds pretty charitable to your views, but note how he doesn't find it
exclusive. Hell, he even gives you the "Tom's a homo" rumor without a
Kubrick certainly liked to blend the casting of his films into film it's
self if you understand my meaning. TS (Jack) and FMJ (Lee Emery) are
good examples of casting 'for' type along with the husband and wife
pairing in EWS.
I think the story is about general repression/jealousy and covers pretty
much all the bases.
I do too including marriage in general and the dangers of becoming
complacent with such an arrangement. If you've ever been married, you
know what I'm talking about.
Bill is presented with a pretty wide smorgasboard in
that film and refuses them all initailly. You are forgetting that in the
second half of the film he returns looking for sex from those who have
offered it to him only to find something else (much like a bad dream)
that's really not in line with your speculations. Read into it what you
want to though - I'm sure Kubrick designed it that way.
He makes a good point here. I didn't see Bill going back for sex with
any desk clerks.
I think that's one interpretation of it. There are certainly pointers in
that direction, not least the casting of Cruise himself.
Kubrick certainly liked to blend the casting of his films into film it's
self if you understand my meaning. TS (Jack) and FMJ (Lee Emery) are
good examples of casting 'for' type along with the husband and wife
pairing in EWS.
I totally agree. I think there is this blend between character and
actor, and that it was done intentionally....and this is absolutely
amazing and fantastic and surprising, because the last thing that Tom
Cruise wants on earth is to be portrayed as a gay men in a movie. Maybe
that's why Kubrick had to be a bit "shy" in his hints.
But not all of them as you admitted. I still don't accept the closet
case scenario mind you.
Did you watch
that episode of South Park, "trapped in the Closet", about Tom Cruise
and Scientology? It is very interesting.
"Interesting"? It was just more cheapshots on his supposed sexual
preference. Maybe Matt and Trey want Tom to really be gay too. What
they really hate is Scientology.
I think the story is about general repression/jealousy and covers pretty
much all the bases. Bill is presented with a pretty wide smorgasboard in
that film and refuses them all initailly. You are forgetting that in the
second half of the film he returns looking for sex from those who have
offered it to him only to find something else (much like a bad dream)
that's really not in line with your speculations. Read into it what you
want to though - I'm sure Kubrick designed it that way.
Yes, Kubrick's films are always a bit ambiguous.
Then we don't have much to argue about then do we?
But the hints about Bill's sexuality are there.
Your "hints" have suffered more than a 50% discount. None of it HAS to
lead to a closetcase Bill.
And I don't think that the "offerings" of
little girls, hookers, dead bodies and so on go against my
interpretation. In his adventures, Bill gets into contact with many
facets of sexuality, but HIS OWN sexuality is more clearly defined by
the hints that I listed....although he is presented to the "wide
smorgasboard", the hints to his own desires are more specific. That's
what I believe, at least.
I think your views are tunneling from the fact that you are gay.
You're certainly entitled to them, but don't try to make them
exclusive. Your "hints" are lousy for the most part.
You are forgetting that in the second half of the film he returns looking for sex from those who have offered it to him only to find something else (much like a bad dream) > that's really not in line with your speculations
Ps: if you are referring to the second scene at Domino's house, when
he tries to have sex with her roommate, I believe that he was mainly
trying, in a futile way, to prove his masculinity, after being
challenged and unmasked during the orgy scene. The fact that he tried
to have sex with the girl doesn't mean he felt truly attracted to
her...at least that's how I see it!
Of course that's how you see it.
One more thing about the second scene at Domino's apartment: in the
original script, it is Domino's roomate who approaches Bill, and not
the other way around. Bill, therefore, does not look for sex there,
contrary to what you said and confirming all that I said. From the
Sally gives her another look and moves close to BILL, her towel robe
parting a little to show her naked underneath.
Listen, I'm not sure what's was on your
mind but if it was more than cake,
there's nothing wrong with me.
BILL hesitates.
Look, I'd love to but some other time.
Okay? I was just passing by with the
So what? He had his mouth all set for Domino, and then he finds out
she has AIDS. Fucking some other strange gal would prolly not be high
on anyone's agenda after that.
And the last one, phew! I hope you appreciate me going through this in
detail. Prolly not. Prolly will just snip out whatever you don't
like, or whatever doesn't fit just like you normally do. That's not
paranoia Paulo. You just did it to me last night several times, but
There are two more pieces of evidence to prove that Dr. Bill Harford is
He's a closet case!! Quit changing the hypothesis!
The first is based on previous posts by Darth Nub and Dale
1>4)The movie seems to suggest that Bill and Nightingale were lovers
when they were at medical school. When Bill is with Nick in the bar,
they both ask each other if they have any connection to the Village
(gay area). Nick asked Bill; "Do you live in the Village"? Bill asked
Nick: "is your gig in the village?" This suggests that they were
checking out what the current sexual situation or choice is with each
other. Also, when the hotel desk clerk finds out that Bill knows Nick
he starts to be openly gay and makes a gay joke." Also, Ziegler calls
Nick a cocksucker when Bill and him are talking at the red pool table.
Maybe Nick is gay, or was.... Calling someone "cocksucker" fits pretty
well when you're extremely pissed at them.
It is clear from their body language at the Christmas party that they
were pretty intimate, and Kubrick created very suggestive dialogue for
-"I never understood why you walked away"
-"You know there is no way on earth that you're going to leave here
tonight without taking me with you"
These lines sound like things that lovers would say to each other,
So now you're suggesting that they were lovers? So Bill was out of the
closet and went back in? I hope he remembered the mothballs.
15)The location Kubrick chose to film Bill and Nick's meeting is very
peculiar to say the least. He chose a transvestite bar in London.
So now what? Bill is a closet-transvestite?
You've jumped around a lot and pointed out more than few dubious albeit
interesting things. It seems certain to me that Kubrick was up to his
usual games. Maybe Tom wasn't aware what all, and maybe he's still not
aware. I suggest you try to contact him. Get a lawyer first.
Again, a totally non-"Bill-is-gay" or "Bill-is-coathanger"
interpretation of EWS
is just as valid (if not moreso because of your will to stretch the
facts and interpret everything with blinders on) as anything you can
cook up.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled thread.
"Hmmm, tell me something, those two girls at the party last night. Did
you, by any chance, happen to fuck them?"