2008-07-31 21:03:44 UTC
Some thoughts on the famous "bear suit blowjob" scene....
In "The Shining's" climax, Wendy navigates her way through a maze of
horrors. In one scene she sees a figure in a bear suit engaging in
oral sex with a man in a tuxedo. This scene confuses many, but I think
it's simply indicating Wendy's unconscious fears. Throughout the film,
"woman" has been relegated to useless. In the eyes of Jack, the female
other merely exists to do chores, tend to children and satisfy the old
sperm back. Jack sees Wendy as nothing more than a place to deposit
sperm. This is her duty. Cook, clean and fuck.
But in this scene, Wendy's existence as the "female other" is finally
rendered useless. This horrifies Wendy. With this homosexual act, her
last duty as "sexual partner" has been cast aside. Man pleasing man
without woman. Essentially she fears that Jack no longer wants to have
sex with her. Her purpose and worth as "woman" is being called into
question. This is her own private horror.
This scene also recalls a moment at the beginning of the film. In this
early scene, Danny is examined by a doctor (notice he covers his
crotch). During this examination he lays down on a giant bear pillow
(Kubrick linking Danny to bear in much the same way he links Domino in
Eyes Wide Shut to the toy tiger?).
This early scene is all about introducing the audience to Danny's
child abuse. When we see the bear symbol again (man in a bear suit),
it's once again a scene of abuse. But this time it's sexual.
So perhaps Kubrick is either saying that Wendy discovered some sort of
sexual abuse between Jack and Danny, or the connection is the other
way around, and Kubrick is saying that the sexual abuse (and evil in
general) that took place in the Hotel is akin to the modern physical
abuse which takes place in the family unit. Note that the magazine
Jack reads in the lobby has a cover headline mentioning child abuse.
Note to that when Danny enters room 237, he says "mom?" several times.
Whenever he says "mom?" a picture on the wall of an Indian squal (who
resemebles Wendy) changes position and follows him.
Wendy witnesses the evil of room 237 but chooses to keep it behind
clsoed doors. She, like Jack, is guilty of repession.
On a simpler level, the primal symbol of the bear suit shows how the
upper class or elite perceive those below them. The "help" are mere
animals, who sit on their knees, dutifully tending to their polished
masters. The caretakers are unsophisticated and barbaric, whilst the
elite, dressed in their suits and tuxedos, are far more cultured and
Also note that in the final hospital scene, deleted from all versions
of the film, Ullman vists Wendy in the hospital whilst wearing a large
bear fur coat.
So we have 3 bears. Danny laying on a bear and covering his crotch,
bear sucking cock (orders of the house) and Ullman dressed as a bear.
In "The Shining's" climax, Wendy navigates her way through a maze of
horrors. In one scene she sees a figure in a bear suit engaging in
oral sex with a man in a tuxedo. This scene confuses many, but I think
it's simply indicating Wendy's unconscious fears. Throughout the film,
"woman" has been relegated to useless. In the eyes of Jack, the female
other merely exists to do chores, tend to children and satisfy the old
sperm back. Jack sees Wendy as nothing more than a place to deposit
sperm. This is her duty. Cook, clean and fuck.
But in this scene, Wendy's existence as the "female other" is finally
rendered useless. This horrifies Wendy. With this homosexual act, her
last duty as "sexual partner" has been cast aside. Man pleasing man
without woman. Essentially she fears that Jack no longer wants to have
sex with her. Her purpose and worth as "woman" is being called into
question. This is her own private horror.
This scene also recalls a moment at the beginning of the film. In this
early scene, Danny is examined by a doctor (notice he covers his
crotch). During this examination he lays down on a giant bear pillow
(Kubrick linking Danny to bear in much the same way he links Domino in
Eyes Wide Shut to the toy tiger?).
This early scene is all about introducing the audience to Danny's
child abuse. When we see the bear symbol again (man in a bear suit),
it's once again a scene of abuse. But this time it's sexual.
So perhaps Kubrick is either saying that Wendy discovered some sort of
sexual abuse between Jack and Danny, or the connection is the other
way around, and Kubrick is saying that the sexual abuse (and evil in
general) that took place in the Hotel is akin to the modern physical
abuse which takes place in the family unit. Note that the magazine
Jack reads in the lobby has a cover headline mentioning child abuse.
Note to that when Danny enters room 237, he says "mom?" several times.
Whenever he says "mom?" a picture on the wall of an Indian squal (who
resemebles Wendy) changes position and follows him.
Wendy witnesses the evil of room 237 but chooses to keep it behind
clsoed doors. She, like Jack, is guilty of repession.
On a simpler level, the primal symbol of the bear suit shows how the
upper class or elite perceive those below them. The "help" are mere
animals, who sit on their knees, dutifully tending to their polished
masters. The caretakers are unsophisticated and barbaric, whilst the
elite, dressed in their suits and tuxedos, are far more cultured and
Also note that in the final hospital scene, deleted from all versions
of the film, Ullman vists Wendy in the hospital whilst wearing a large
bear fur coat.
So we have 3 bears. Danny laying on a bear and covering his crotch,
bear sucking cock (orders of the house) and Ullman dressed as a bear.